Yasmeen Saw Adym

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Yasmeen , her daughter , mother and father moved back to they old town . Yasmeen and her mother enrolled Yasmeen's daughter Amya in school and then enrolled Yasmeen . Yasmeen got her schedule to her classes , she will officially start tomorrow.

Fast forward 13 hours , its 3 am . Yasmeen get herself ready for school first then she wake up her daughter Amya .

Yasmeen : wake up baby
Amya : mommy im tired
Yasmeen : i know baby , you got school .
Amya : *amya starts to whin*
Yasmeen : amya . GET UP ! NOW !
Amya : but mommy , im so sleepy .
Yasmeen : i know baby , you got to get ready for school .
Amya : *amya get up and goes to the bathroom with yasmeen to get ready*

Another fast forward , an hour . It's 4 am , Yasmeen fix Amya breakfast . Yasmeen get her school things and Amya backpack and put it on the couch .

Yasmeen: abuela going to take you to school , mommy about to leave and head to school okay .
Amya: okay mommy , is you picking me up or abuela ?
Yasmeen: yeah im going to pick up baby , be good at school you hear me ? *they eyes lock at eachother*
Amya: okay mommy i will , GOSHHHH .
Yasmeen: bye baby im leaving .
Amya: bye mommy .

Yasmeen finally left home and took her 15 mins to get to her school , while school hasn't begun Yasmeen decided to see where her classes will be so she got her schedule out and walked around until the bell had rung .


First period had begun

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First period had begun .

Ms.coffee Teacher: class welcome our new student Yasmeen , i have this funny thing of telling my new students to say a little about yourself . Yasmeen please tell us a little about yourself . *laughs*
Yasmeen: i have two brothers, im 16 and im a nice person .
Ms.coffee Teacher: same parents ?
Yasmeen: no, on my dad side.
Ms.coffee Teacher: what's their names ?
Yasmeen: Issac and Kacee .
Ms.coffee Teacher: my grandson name is kacey , wow . okay , thank you sharing Yasmeen you can take a seat by jashae and mirah .

As I walk over to sit in my seat i noticed a familiar face , as i tried not to make it noticeable i got a good look at the person , IT . WAS . ADYM ! We both saw each other . I don't know if he remembers but i do , when i saw him my mind instantly went back to that day . I don't know what I'm going to tell him , what if he ask me why left , why i stopped talking to him . All different kind of thoughts going through my head right now .

Adym: *adym whispers* yasmeen , yasmeen .

As I tried to act like i didn't hear him .

Yasmeen: *raises her hand* can i go to the bathroom ?
Ms.coffee Teacher: yes ma'am , hurry back .


Adym: *raises his hand* ms i gotta go NOW Ms

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Adym: *raises his hand* ms i gotta go NOW
Ms.coffee Teacher: *straight face* hurry up .
Adym: okayyyy ms you don't gotta do me like that .
Ms.coffee Teacher: either go now or stay and hold it , its up to you .

Yasmeen stands outside , sitting on the floor with her head on her knees .

Adym: yasmeen ..
Yasmeen: what adym ?
Adym: damn , what i do to you ?
Yasmeen: nothing adym , i just don't want to talk.
Adym: why did you leave ?
Yasmeen: what ?
Adym: you left outta nowhere you didn't even give me a heads up . WHY !!?
Yasmeen: i don't know , my momma just pulled me out of school .
Adym: nahhh i don't believe that , your moma liked me its something else .
Yasmeen: adym i don't have time for this .
*got up and went back in class*

Soon after Yasmeen went in the classroom there goes Adym , the teacher began to teach her students .
Time goes by even periods too , Yasmeen is now in her eighth period . She has that class with Adym , third , fourth and fifth . School had let out Adym and Yasmeen didn't speak that whole day .

As it's time for Yasmeen to pick Amya up from school , she heads there and wait . Adym followed Yasmeen ... he was hoping she was going straight home .

Yasmeen's mom called her checking to see if she made it there to pick up Amya .

Jennifer: *calls*
Yasmeen: hey momma
Jennifer: hey mija , you there picking my baby up ?
Yasmeen: yes momma , IM HEREEEE * laughing *
Jennifer: how was school mija ?
Yasmeen: it was good
Jennifer: noooo mija , something happened , i can hear it in your voice . What happened ?
Yasmeen: nothing momma
Jennifer: mija don't lie to me
Yasmeen: i saw adym momma , he asked me why i just left without warning him .
Jennifer: ohhhhh mija , you okay ? How many classes you got with him ?
Yasmeen: five momma
Jennifer: ohhhh mija , can't you change it ?
Yasmeen: no momma
Jennifer: I'm sorry mija
Yasmeen: you think i should just tell him ?
Jennifer: no mija , just leave it alone .
Yasmeen: but momma she is his daughter too
Jennifer: i know mija , but ... we moved for that reason okay just leave it alone .
Yasmeen: okay i got to go momma the bell just rung .
Jennifer: okay bye mija , love you .
Yasmeen: bye momma , love you too .


* kids screaming running outside *

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* kids screaming running outside *

Yasmeen pulls up so Amya can get in the car .

Yasmeen: how was school baby ?
Amya: mommy i made so much friends and kids was sharing with me two of my friends gave me one of there toys .
Yasmeen: awe baby that's sweet , you like this school ?
Amya: yeah , mommy im hungry .
Yasmeen: okay baby im stopping at sonic and we can sit there to eat .
Amya: okay , and can i do my homework there?
Yasmeen: yeah , im going to help you .

Yasmeen plays 6lack x seasons on the Aux Cord .

As Adym starts to get suspicious , he starts calculating in his head . He grew more suspicious and continued to follow Yasmeen .

Yasmeen has finally made it to her destination , which is sonic . Amya and Yasmeen got out the car and sat in the sitting area at sonic , Yasmeen ordered Amya and her some food . As they're waiting for the food Yasmeen helps her daughter with her homework . Adym decided to approach Yasmeen .

⠀ Finding Out I Have A Daughter ⠀ Adym Yorba | ItsRiccoThoWhere stories live. Discover now