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 Nobody pov

underline = telempathy

- In the locker room changing-

"Do you really think its ok that we didn't go to the BMD?" Asked Kageyama with a hint of regret in his voice.

"Wow, I didn't know you such a worrywart Kageyama. Guess that smug look you always wear on your face is just an act~" Hinata replied. Kageyama gave his boyfriend a punch in the side as Hinata laughed hysterically.

" I hate how you're playing it off like it's just another day," Kageyama said slightly annoyed at Hinata's easygoingness. Hinata then hummed a playful tune in an attempt to annoy his partner. In which he was successful as he heard a groan from Kageyama. Hinata started to slip off his shirt. Kageyama looked away to try to hide his blushing face. Unluckily for him, Hinata had noticed his boyfriend's flustered behavior. Hinata smiled as he snuck up behind Kageyama. Then Hinata's half-naked body surprise hugged Kageyama. Causing Kageyama to give a girlish squeal.

"Haha, Kageyama what was that weird noise that just came out of your mouth?" Hinata remarked.

" Anyway, what was up with you fidgeting in class today?" Kageyama questioned.

" Don't avoid the question," Hinata Replied getting up close and personal with the taller boy. Hinata was about to ask his question again before he was interrupted. Kageyama had kissed him to stop the smaller boy's mouth from running like a waterfall. Hinata's brain short-circuited as he stumbled backward eventually falling onto his butt. Both of them were aware that that would eventually become a daily occurrence. But none the less both of them were blushing a deep red. Kageyama laughed causing Hinata to laugh along with him.

" cute, now lets actually get dressed it's getting late," Kageyama said still laughing as he held out a hand to Hinata. Hinata reluctantly took it and was quickly pulled up.

Sugawara Pov

holy shit, I mean I had my suspicions they were in a relationship. But holy... this was definitely the last thing I suspected. I mean they kissed. They didn't seem as flustered as first-timers. But definitely not as smooth as though they've been together for a long time. So relatively new? Ugh, my brain hurts. I'm still processing the fact that they're even together. I might just have to skip school tomorrow to process it all. Oh, they're leaving gotta go. Suga said to himself. As he ran from his previous spot which was looking... spying on the two lovebirds through the crack in the door. Now hidden in a dark crevice nearby.

"Haha, You're so funny Kageyama. Sooo movie?... Friday?" Hinata suggested.

"Sure," Kageyama replied. Both boys completely unaware of my presence. I didn't move until both of the boys had unmistakenly left the gym. No, even then. I had sat in that dark hallway for so long I guess I just... I dunno, fell asleep?

-Time Skip-

" Sugawara, Sugawara come on you need to wake up," Daichi said.

" Huh, Daichi what are you doing here?" I asked.

" Here an hour before practice like always. More importantly, what are you doing here, I mean you're never here before me." Daichi answered. My eyes went wide. I slept here the entire night?!! Why would I do that? Suddenly Sugawara was hit with the memories of the previous night. Now he was just confused.

" Anyway did you find out what was wrong with the first years?" Asked Daichi. Causing me to snap out of my trance.

" N- No," I lied.

" Okay... Hey, you sure you're fine?" Daichi asked.

" Yeah, why?" I snapped.

" Nothing," Daichi said quickly as he walked off. I decided that I would confront Hinata and Kageyama about this " relationship" at lunch.

- time skip-

Hinata pov

Ahhhhhhhhhhh lunchtime. No, boyfriend time. I ran into Kageyama's classroom. Suprised to see him talking too... Sugawara? I walked over carefully as if I was approaching a wild animal.

" Oh, Hinata!" Sugawara says with a smile, as he turns to face me.

" Hinata you're here!.. oh and Sugawara asked if he could join us for lunch," Kageyama said.

" Oh, yeah sure definitely!" I replied enthusiastically. All three of us walked behind the school. Kageyama and I liked it due to the peace and quiet. We sat down awkwardly at first. But before long we were chatting up a storm. Yet something felt wrong . LIke there was this stiff tension in the air. I just couldn't place it. Until...

" so Sugawara can I tell you something?" Kageyama asked. I began to stare daggers at him. But to be completely honest I didn't really wanna stop him. I wanted somebody else to know, and if I were to choose anyone it would be Sugawara. So I slowly nodded at Kageyama to continue.

"Well so, Hinata and I are gay."


"and we're dating."


"and we well we... um... we... well we... um... we k-kissed." There was a long silence. I was about to break under the pressure.

"nice." Huh? Nice. Not even and eww or an oh my god or a scream. Just nice? I looked at Kageyama who just gave me the same look I had plastered on my face.

"You're not surprised?" Kageyama asked.

" I was. I kinda saw you two kiss last night. To be honest I thought it was cute." Sugawara replied. We let out a sigh of relief. Then looked at him scared.

"No, no it was only me that saw don't worry," Sugawara said as if he had read our thoughts. Again we let out a sigh of relief.

"But you should really tell the te-"

"No!" we both interrupted.

"Ok, ok. Just wondering. What are you gonna do about the ... you know." Sugawara hinted.

" The what?" I asked.

" You know the BMD presentation," Sugawara said.

"The WHAT presentation" Kageyama and I said suddenly standing.

Heh, 974 words! I was almost to a thousand. Well, can't say I didn't try. Anyway, thnx for reading!!! 

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