nothing can go wrong, right?!

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Hinata's Pov

"Oh thank god that's over but what if it isn't will they come back will they reject our relationship. How will Ukai react? Do we have to tell him? How do we tell him? Whats the team gonna think? Simple, they won't think anything we won't even tell them. But what if it slips out again? I mean happened before doesn't mean it won't happen again. Daichi will know what to do. But Daichi doesn't even know? I feel like we've been troubling Suga a lot lately. Do you think he's already told Daichi? All the senpais are out of the question! This is hopeless. We're all going to die. Death is inevitable, right? Kageyama my precious boyfriend tell my mother I love her!" I mumble.

" Stop worrying dumbass Ukai will understand... I hope." Kageyama replied. This didn't help I only spiraled further into a depression. Hope is probably the most horrible word to ever exist it was practically an antonym of success. As I thought were doomed.

" Looks like I found the two people responsible for the bloody murder screams in the medical ward," Tsukishima said as he appeared from the turn of a corner. Yamaguchi tagging close behind. Kageyama sighed. 

" Bloody murder screams?!"I yell obviously confused.  Everbody winces. 

" Y-yeah just like that Hinata... perfect imitation" Yamaguchi stutters as he holds his hand up to his ears. I just stand there confused. Yelling? Did I yell? Funny, I don't remember screaming bloody murder.  I don't remember the screaming... period! But it seems everybody else knew about it so I should trust them.

"Anyway, what are you guys doing heading to the school?" Kageyama breaks the silence. Yamaguchi yelps obviously flustered while Tsuki stands unfazed. What a weird response. 

"T-to go pick up late work," Tsukishima says. Heh, I think that's the first time I heard Tsuki stutter. Wait Tsuki stuttered! That's not right... somethings up. I turn to Kageyama who is wearing a slightly startled expression. We're both confused. 

"Well, Kags and I are off to explain our absence to coach Ukai, "I yell as I start to run off. Kageyama continues staring at them for a second before turning to follow me. I watch both Tsuki's and Yama's expressions both twisted into an awkward smile. As soon as we get out of their sights both Kageyama and I 's facades disappear. 

"I smell bullshit," Kags says simply.

"Woah way to put it bluntly. I thought I was gonna choke in the midst of that super awkward silence. It hurt my extrovertedness to its core. Somethings up." I said.

"yeah that's fantastic and all but I guess I'm more worried about the ukai thing." Kags retorts. Oh, now he's worried. But that just makes me more worried. I see so this is how I die...

"But knowing coach Ukai it'll probably be fine," Kageyama adds. 

"Kags it really isn't funny to play with my feewings," I pout. His face turns bright red at the mention of the nickname I gave him. I have to admit it was kinda cute. No, it was not JUST cute it was the most fucking adorable face I've ever seen. Awww what am I saying?

"Oi, dumbass were here," Kags interrupts.

"Five more minutes... I wanna postpone my execution."

"You're such a drama queen " Kags retorts as he drags me into the coaches office. 

Its gonna be script style for a bit sorry but I'm kinda half-assing this part

Ukai: Oh hello boys what're you doing here after school. Last time I checked we don't have practice today.

me: Well you're not wrong but that doesn't mean we don't have a reason to be here...

Kags: We kissed.

Me: Kageyama!

Kags: Whaaat it's true.

Me: THAT DOESN'T MATTER! I thought we agreed to let him down slowly. 

Ukai: Woah Woah Woah you guys what?

Me: We umm as Kageyama said we kinda kissed. That's why we're here. We thought you needed to know.

Ukai: Well thanks I guess but were you guys even dating?

Kags: No. How do I put this we didn't really kiss each other of our own will...

Ukai: Tell me who did this to my baby birbs!

Kags: Mother nature.

Ukai: So you basically kissed each other on the basis of you being idiots.

Me: That's a little blunt sensei. But yes that about sums it up.

kags: It was late and dark. We were in the park. Hinata tripped backward on a tree root that I fell forward on. Then we kinda ended up kissing on accident.

Ukai: I mean accidents happen but damn. First time for everything I guess. Does anybody else know?

Me: Well aside for Sugawara-senpai I there shouldn't be anybody else.

Ukai: *Heavy Sigh* I see. Nothing anybody can do and if there was you'd be sure as hell I'd be doing it. Anyway, see you tomorrow bright and early.

Out of script mode... my dudes

Kags and I get a good ten feet away from the gym entirely before we sigh in relief. 

"He was surprisingly understanding," Kags said. I mean everyone we've told has been 'surprisingly understanding'. I guess if you really think about it there really isn't anything they can do besides just accepting it. Kinda disappointing... But extremely relieving. Oh, boy has god sure been on our side lately.  I wonder when our luck will run out? 

"Kageyama earlier Tsukishima said something about... bloody murder screams?" I asked.

"Don't tell me you don't remember. The screams that came out of your mouth were loud enough for a person to hear them in hell. I mean it shouldn't be that painful to be dragged on a hospital bed." Kags says. I finally remember.

"Kags I remember now... but it isn't really something I can fully explain. It is actually kinda funny. You see with all the pent up stress. Not having really the best vision. The pain of being distanced from you. Also being on a hospital bed I kinda thought I was dying and I'd never see you again." I explain. When I said the last part both Kageyama and I's faces turned bright red.

"T-that sure is stupid dumbass. Come on let's go home," Kags said visibly flustered. It was hilarious. I think I could get used to this. We could be like this forever.I mean nothing can go wrong, right?!

1063 words noice

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