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~Y/N's POV~

I woke up early the next morning feeling more energized than usual. I lean up in bed and pull out my phone to see 2 text messages from Eric. I quickly unlock my phone using my fingerprint and pull up our conversation.

Eric: Y/N are you awake?

Eric: Damn, text me when you get up though :)

Y/N: Huh wot-?

Eric: Finally you wake your goofy ass up...

Seeing that made me smile, he really did make me happy.

Y/N: What a text to wake up to,

Eric: lmao srry just wanted to see if you could skype?

Y/N: ehhhh....okay lemme get ready, give me 15

I text back and shut my phone off smiling like a dumbass, I stand up and head over to my closet. I look around trying to find something cute but not over the top. I decided on just some plain black jeans with an oversized black hoodie. I then realize he said Skype, so I reach out for my mask and slip it on before returning to my desk. It had only been about 7 minutes but who really cares? I pulled up the Skype app and started looking for Eric's name. I quickly start to call him as I sit in my chair. I reach in my pocket and realize I didn't have my vape. "FUCK!" I said at medium tone but not loud enough to be counted as yelling. Eric joins the call just in time to hear me, "Damn, whatchu going on about?" he asks as I leaned back in my chair(we know how this went last time, careful though). I sighed and answered, "I fucking dunno where my vape ran to." "It's behind you on your stand dumbass,"

The moment I heard him say it I turned around and snatched off of my bed stand. I turn my camera off while I take my mask off so I could hit my vape. I inhale deeply and exhale while saying, "Fank ya very much," trying to emphasize my subtle Australian accent because you can originally barely notice it. He laughs at this, and hearing him laugh made me smile, but I quickly put my mask back on and turn my camera back on. "Well that's not fun, I thought you would forget." "I will forget when you forget," I tease him, "Well fuck, that means never." I laughed and it fell silent and I searched the screen for his eyes under his mask and held his gaze.

My cheeks flushed and I decided to break the silence, "So Eric, why did you wanna call....this?" I point to myself and laugh at my own joke. He responds, "Just wanted to here your voice is all, perhaps see your face but NoOoOoOooOOooo" I laugh once more "Not my fault that you won't show your face, and if I'm honest I wanted to here your voice too," my voice cracked and my cheeks felt warmer, "Well then..." I could here him smiling under his helmet. I nervously chuckled at what I had just said ~Ugh Y/N why would you say that!? He doesn't like you, only as a friend~ I get lost in my thoughts and he brings me back to reality by yelling, "Piss off Matt!" I chuckle.

~Swagger's POV~when he texted Y/N~

I woke up really early so I had only gotten about 4 hours of sleep but I just needed to hear Y/N's voice. It was so perfect, I texted her and then again about 4 minutes later. She answered me back about half an hour later and I immidiately start smiling as we text and I ask if she can Skype.She says she would be back in 15 even though she probably already looked perfect. She called me not even 7 minutes later and I smiled to myself under my helmet. I hear her say, "FUCK!" as I chuckle to myself as I realize her voice sounded so nice to my ears. We just sit there talking and every once in awhile she would turn her camera off so she could vape. ~Your perfect in my eyes~

~Y/N's POV~

Me and Eric sat there and talked about 2 and half hours before I asked the important question, "Hey Swagger, we should hang out today." I could tell he lit up as I asked him, "Really!?" I chuckle, "Well yeah you doofus, we only live 15 minutes away from each other but both of us have been so busy." I beamed. He answered, "Oh well, uh, I'm gunna get ready your gunna drive over here, right?" I nod my head and I say my goodbye, "Alright you cuck, I'll be over in 20, bye Swagger." I smile under my mask and he responds, "Alright Y/N, see you then baby!" We hung up and I smiled once like the dumbass I am at him calling me baby, I mean. Of course it didn't mean anything because it was just a nickname he had for me but it meant so much. I stood up and turn my PC off as I grab my phone, my wallet, my car keys, and hold my vape in my right hand. I get outside and quickly take a hit of my vape while hopping in my car and riving off to "The Misfits Manor".

A/N~ I hope you enjoyed, It's currently almost 3 am but here I am. I'm gunna leave this off on a cliffhanger. :) loaf ya all

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