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~Still Y/N's POV~

I was about to get out of the car as we stopped but Eric quickly jumped out of his side and ran to open my door for me, I blushed at his kindness. ~Stupid, stupid...stop blushing. Just friends!~ We get into the gas station and look through the aisles barely able to see over them on my tip toes. I try and look for my favorite candy, I spot the box but can't see into it because it was on the top shelf. Eric comes around the corner with two sodas in his hand, he comes up to me. "Hey shorty need help?" I look up at him and tugged at his sleeve, "Yes pleasseee," I smiled as he grabbed the candy for me. We continued looking around for a bit before I grab our favorite chips.

Me and Eric went up to the counter setting our stuff down. Eric began pulling out his wallet and I gently put my hand on his hand and set a $20 on the counter. He thanked me for paying with his eyes, I got my change we left with the snacks. As we got in the car Eric quickly started it and about halfway back he rest his right hand on my thigh. I looked over at him, he kept his eyes on the road but could feel me looking at him. "Just wanted to say thanks," he said. I smiled and picked up his wrist causing me to left his whole arm. I put his arm back on the arm rest, "Horny Bastard, but your welcome." We both laugh but I can tell he was blushing, he was cute when he was flustered.

We get back home and I hop out with the chips and candy while Eric carries the sodas. We get inside and settle ourselves on the couch, I really hoped the boys wouldn't bother us. Eric put on a random movie, I don't remember because I was focused on him for most of the time. Looking at his jawline, at his cheeks, at his lips, everything. He was just so handsome. I felt myself start to drift and soon I was sleeping. I guess I was spending the night.

~Swagger's POV~

I soon felt Y/N's weight rested on my shoulder, I wrapped my arm around her waist and looked down at her sleeping figure. I lightly kissed her on the forehead making sure to not wake her up, "I....I....I love you." I stammered. It felt right to say it to her, I soon fell asleep as well.

~Back to Y/N's POV~YeEt~

I woke with Eric holding me, I felt secure, this felt right. I ignored my desire to stay in his arms and slowly got up, deciding I would make breakfast. I walked into the kitchen grabbing eggs and bacon out. I began cooking and I felt someone put their arm on my shoulder and nearly lean against me. I look up to see Eric, he smiles. "Morning," he said in his raspy morning voice. I loved that voice so much. "Morning Eric," I managed to mutter. I feel him move around to my left side and lean over my shoulder to watch me cook. I laughed at how confused he looked from me cooking,"It's food dumbass." I laugh and finish up the eggs and bacon and look up at the cabinet that held the plates. I look over to Eric to see him waiting for me to ask, I decide to get them myself. I jump up and sit on the counter, slowly standing up and grabbing two plates. I pass the plates down to him as he's laughing at me. I hop back down and look up at him, "Stop laughing at me," I pout as he continues laughing. "Make me shorty." he leaned down to almost whisper.

I blush as his raspy voice was so close to me, he stands up straight and smiles down at me. "Guess you won't make me." he whispered once again grabbing both plates leading us up to his room. We sat on his bed and ate while we talked and caught up. After finishing up our food I grabbed the plates and set out for the kitchen. I got to the kitchen quickly and washed the two plates, just as I was about to call out Eric's name so he could the dishes away I felt a hand graze my back. I shivered and looked to my left to see Eric putting the two plates back in the cabinet.

I smiled and I ran back towards his room, "You can't catch me!" "Bet!" is all I heard back. I started going up the stairs as quickly as I could. The second I got to the second floor I felt Eric lift me up and run into his room and throw us on the bed. We laid there panting as we were out of breath. "Damnit you caught me..." I looked over at him as he returned my gaze. I looked away for a few seconds and could feel he was still looking at me. I turn back to him, "Oi cunt whatchu lookin at?" I question while laughing causing him to laugh. "Well I WONDERRR!" Eric emphasized. I laughed and he moved slightly closer to me, "I'm looking at your beautifu-" I cut him off by giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "Enough said," I smiled at his shocked expression. A smirk then appeared on his face, I laughed.

We sat up together with Eric's arm draped around my shoulder as I leaned on his. I looked up at him and was at a loss for words, "I had to," I said as he finally looked down at me. "Why's that?" he questioned. "Because I really like you and just because your cute." He smiled wider as he responded, "Y/N, I really like you too..." His voice trailed off just as you were getting lost in his eyes. Eric leaned down to give me a kiss but I blocked it with my hand. "Nope," I looked at his disappointed face and he quickly turned his gaze away. I lift my left hand up and cup his jaw and turn his face towards me again. He leaned down again but this time to my ear, "I knew you were kidding." He then kissed me and it felt as if everything had stopped.

A/N ~ Third chapter of today! That's okay, I had a lot of inspiration.

1092 words

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