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~Y/N PoV~

I woke up with Eric by my side and his arms wrapped around me, cuddling me. I smiled at the feeling and looked at him sleeping. "I love you Eric...." I mumbled and lightly kissed his forehead.

I felt Eric move one of his arms from around me and cupped my face and kissed me back, "I love you too Y/N."

I gently just smiled at him as we looked at each other, admiring each other. I suddenly spoke, "Eric?" He nodded his head to tell me to continue. "Why me, out all the girls. How did I get to be the luckiest of them all?"

Eric just smiled and pulled me closer to whisper in my ear, "Because you're the perfect one."

I hadn't been called perfect since my dad walked out on me and my mom, I was only 7.

I started tearing up, I got out of Eric's grasp and stood up. Only to be met a very confused Eric. I reached my hand out to pull him to stand up with me, he complied.

I pulled him into a great hug and just stayed there. I took a quick glance at Eric and he simply smiled, it always made me fall even harder for him.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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