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~Still Y/N's POV~

The moment he kissed you back was so incredible, you both pulled away gazing into each other's eyes. I pull his face in again and we start to make out soon realizing how strongly I cared for this man. He rolled over, pulling me on top of him. I moved my legs a slight bit as I felt him getting hard underneath me. I rolled back onto the bed and laid there smiling, I felt him look at me. I looked over at him and smirked, "Oh come onnn....." He finally spoke. "I have to tease you sometimes," I winked. He groaned and came closer to me, "Why tease me so much?" He said as he held my face in his hands as we laid there. "Because I like seeing you like that." I said as I trailed my hand from his neck down to his chest.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me on top of him once again. We began making out, he tugged at my sweater. I sat up on him, I leaned down to his ear and whispered, "Not yet you horny bastard." I sat up and smirked and he laid there holding my hips. I got off of him and just laid next to him while resting my head on his chest listening to his steady breaths. I loved him, love is a strong word, I used it because I felt strongly about this man.

~Swagger's POV~

Yeah she was an ass for teasing me, but that means I would just have to get her back somehow. I really did love her, I felt it was time. I wanted her so bad, not just sex either. Everything, from her personality to simply her eyes or the way she crinkled her nose when she didn't like something, which I found so incredibly cute. I spoke suddenly, "Y/N...."

I felt her gaze shift up towards me as she gave me a sweet smile, "I really like you," I continued. She nodded and reached out to grab my hand, she intertwined her fingers with mine. "Would like to be my girl friend Y/N?" I felt her roll over and lay on top of me while just hugging me and smiling. "Yes Eric," she whispered in my ear and a smile appeared on my face. This beautiful girl was mine.

~Back to Y/N's POV~

I cuddled up to Eric and left my nose tucked in the crook of his neck. I laid there just smiling because of how happy I was, I soon fell asleep to the beat of his heart.

~Swagger's POV again~

I feel her relax as she drifted to sleep, I looked to my left and grabbed my phone. I decided to tell Toby because I knew Y/N wouldn't mind. I texted him:

Eric: Yooo I just scored

Toby: What? Are you drunk?

Eric: Come to my room TOby

Toby: I stg you better not be naked...

I closed my phone as I heard Toby get up and start walking over to my room. I heard him open the door and I looked up to see him smiling at the sight before him. I told him in a quiet voice what had happened and how we were dating. He awed and told me how she would always talk about wishing to be with me, I smiled at this. I left him be and sent him to his room but to lock and close the door on the way out.

He did as I asked and I glanced back down at Y/N sleeping. She was so peaceful, I began running my hands through her hair and I kissed the side of her neck. I soon fell asleep.

~Oi back to Y/N's POV~

I woke up to the warmth of Eric's body right next to me and I smiled. I looked up to him to realize he was on his phone, I leaned into his ear without him noticing, "Boo..." I whispered in his ear as he nearly jumped he looked down at me, meeting my gaze. We stared at each other for quite awhile without saying anything, he began rubbing my back. "Good afternoon Baby," I smiled as he referred to me as that, "Good afternoon Handsome." I gave him a quick kiss and sat up on the edge of the bed. I enjoyed this. I enjoyed being with him. I loved him. I looked behind me,

"I love you Eric, I really do."

"I love you too Y/N."

Sorry this chapter was cut short but I had to finish it up quickly. Tomorrow's is going to smut so prepare your Christian eyes. Then if you want, I will add a few extra chapters then I will take suggestions. And start another book ;)

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