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Fay was fiddling with the rim of her bloodied dress when she heard a sudden crash, like the breaking of wood.

"Bath! Did you hear?" Fay called out.

"Yes! That is the same sound that came of your arrival!" Bathory said. She nodded so violently that Fay feared her head may pop off.

"Well, let's go find them then!" Fay said jumping up and running to the source of the sound.

Panting, with her friend by her side, they went to investigate. They found a cloaked figure lying on his side, unconscious. Something seemed familiar about him to Fay. She moved closer, Bathory stopped her.

"I don't trust him." She stated.

The man groaned and shifted, starting to sit up. Halfway up a violent wince stopped him. He let out a whimper of pain as he laid back down, grabbing at his stomach. Bathory began to pull Fay away.

"What's all this for?" Fay asked, angry.

"No, I don't trust him." She repeated.

"You haven't even met him!" Fay shouted, pulling herself from Bathory's grip.

"Dè...? F-Fay?" The man asked, turning over.

Fay recognized the voice, she sucked in a breath, simultaneously overjoyed and shocked that Jack was here.

"Jack!" She moved to hug him, Bathory ripped her away.

"Tudtam!" Bathory exclaimed.

Fay fought in her grip. "What the hell Bath!?" She cried.

"He killed you! Aren't you furious?"

"NO! It was a demon not him!"

"How do you know it's not the demon here?" Bathory asked, letting Fay go.

"That isn't the demon, their voices are different!" Fay replied, stomping over to Jack.

She kneeled down next to his head. "Jack, what on earth happened to you?"

Jack had completely rolled over now, his face was pale and pallid, and his eyes sorrowful. Fay looked him over, checking for wounds. She noticed his arms wound around his stomach. His vest was darker around that area and there was blood on his arms where they touched his body.

Fay looked back at his face. "Jack? Will you move your arms?"

Jack's belly had been slit. His shirt, vest and even his pants were darkened with the blood. Fay could make out his still intact intestines.

"Oh god," She said, putting her stump in front of her mouth unconsciously. "Jack... What'd you do?"

Jack only muttered in Scottish. Fay couldn't understand a thing.

"Do you think you can get up?"

Jack shrugged, some color returned to his face.

"Not a good idea Fay." Bathory said coming up to them, shaking her head. "Wait a while longer or else you'll just make him worse."

The three waited as Jack slowly regained his complexion and became more coherent. After an hour Fay and Bathory helped him stand, minding his wounds. His organs managed to stay in his body, barely.

"Alright." Fay began, folding her arms. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

'What do you want me to start with?"Jack sighed, guilty.

"What the hell possessed you to kill her!?" Bathory interjected.

Jack stiffened, looking away for a second. "Alright, I know you won't believe me but, before I was born, my parents sold my soul to a demon. She can, well could, take control of me whenever she pleases to feed herself."

Fay raised her brows, Bathory's jaw dropped. Both in disbelief. Fay was good at picking out liars, from what she could tell, he was telling the truth.


"Yup," He said, popping the 'p'. "'s why I'm a ginger"He finished, lifting his hat to show off his buzzed locks.

"And that night she...?"

"Took over me. Was tryin' to stop her really! Always had my limits for 'er, kept threatinin' to get an exorcism, kept tellin' 'er the ladies in my life were off limits. Accordin' to her, you bein' a prostitute voided that notion." He rubbed his neck.

"Why didn't you get blessed earlier?" Bathory asked, confused.

"Woulda died," He said with a shrug. "Had 'er all my life. Wasn't ever too bad livin with 'er."

"So... how'd you die?" Fay asked, folding her arms behind her. "Did you get the exorcism or...?"

"Well, after you were killed, she got the big bright idea to kill more prostitutes, among others, and one of 'em had a boyfriend or something and he and I fought. Got me off guard and slit my belly, Jack, my roommate, was there and chased after him."

"What ever happened to that American you loved. What was her name? It started with an L?"

"Lizzie, or Ms. Borden. She was there too, wanderin' 'round the streets, looking for me I suppose. She saw me go down nd called for the Yard and a doctor but it was too late, I died in er arms."

"Oh, god, that's terrible." Fay said, tearing up. She hugged him, swaying a little as she did.

"So," He said as he pulled away. "Where in god's name are we?"

Bathory and Fay replied that they didn't know, and had explored everything there was to explore. So, as before, they talked. Talked until nothing was left to say. Again, the voices returned, stronger, clearer, from no source. Since she'd arrived, Fay had felt something missing. She felt there needed to be someone else, someone new to complete their little quartet of the murdered sinners. The other two had agreed with her conclusions. The three spent weeks putting together who the next could be, lining up their shared circumstances and piecing together the needed qualifications to enter the void. None could agree as to whom would come next. Fay had insisted on a man, from Bathory's era, was to come to even out the line up. Jack and Bathory proposed another woman, Bathory insisting on another of high class like her and Jack insisting on someone from the far future.

"I'm tellin ya! I met someone from the future, it was a young lad on the ocean! I even got pulled in on the other side!" He'd claimed many times. "The boy was drownin durin a storm, so I saved his life and realized he wasn't from our time! The boat tipped and when I came back up I saw a city like you wouldn't believe!"

Both women assumed he'd seen some sort of illusion, or that it was a dream. None of them expected the real final member of the party, a legend, a rhyme, an unsolved crime of America's New England area.



Dè...?= what?

Tudtam!= Aha!/ I knew it!

Jack the Ripper & Fairy Fay: A Living Dead Dolls storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя