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Everyone was confused. Why the timer? What did it count down to? Why 13? As the days grew fewer, their curiosity morphed into anxiety. Something deep in Fays gut told her to make up with Jack and forgive Lizzie's crime. She ignored it. As the days turned into single digits, everyone's anxiety increased. When there were only 5 days left on the timer, Jack came over to Fay and Bathory with Lizzie.

"Look, I'm sorry fer bein a cunt to ya. I see where you were comin from and why ye didn't trust Liz, I just want to fix our friendship before whatever the fock is gonna get our areses in 5 days." He said, regretfully.

"Oh Jack, " Fay said, hugging him. "I'm more to blame. Lizzie I shouldn't have judged you or Jack and I shouldn't have assumed such bad things of you." Fay apologised.

Jack grinned and hugged her back, Lizzie smiled and thanked her. "So... now that that's settled, what're we gonna do in the meantime?"

Bathory shrugged. "I believe all we can do now is wait."

Everyone, for the next three days, did nothing but lounge. There was nothing to do. On the second to last day, the three women noticed something about Jack. Something stuck out of his wound.

"Jack, what've you got in there?" Lizzie asked, pointing to his wound.

He looked down. "Uhh...nothing?"

"Are you sure?" Bathory asked, skeptical.

"I'm pretty fockin sure I wouldn't just shove some shite in me guts, I've got dignity ya know."

"Really? I couldn't tell."

Fay and Lizzie snickered.

Jack rolled his eyes and flipped her off. "In all seriousness, ye think somethins in there?" He asked, looking down.

"Yeah," Fay said, getting up and moving toward him. "y'know, it looks a bit like the handle of a knife." She noted, inspecting the wound.

"Wouldn't be surprised if it was, I don't remember my killer ever taking it out."

"S'pose it isn't too comfortable, ya wanna pull it out?" Fay asked.

"I mean... you can try." Jack rubbed the back of his neck, looking away.

"Welp," Lizzie said, rolling up her sleeves and trotting towards the two with Bathory close behind. "let's pull it out then. Take off your vest, it'll just get in the way."

"Woah, woah, woah, Lizzie calm down a bit." Fay said, putting herself between Jack and Lizzie. "We-"

"It's fine, besides, I wouldn't mind er seein me undressed." Jack said, with a little wink.

Fay smacked him as he chuckled. His vest came off, revealing his wound. Fay stood back as Bathory came up behind him, wrapping her arms around the lower half of his chest. Lizzie stood in front, gripping the handle with both hands. On the count of three the two pulled away from each other. Lizzie wriggled the knife to help it come out. After a few seconds the knife came flying out with a horrible squelch. Jack looked mortified and quite nauseous. He swooned and fainted, crushing Bathory beneath him.

"Well, I didn't expect that." Lizzie commented as she hoisted Jack up and freed Bathory.

"Well I tried to get you to not pull it out."

Lizzie waved her hand. "It's fine, what's done is done. He'll be alright."

The day had passed with no further events. On the final day, everyone awoke to the timer counting down to hours. They all watched, anxious for the result.

"Ya hear that? Or is it Just me?" Jack asked looking around before cocking his head sideways, closing his eyes and knitting his brow.

"Hear what?" Bathory asked, following Jack's lead.

There was a beat of silence.

"...voices. I hear voices." Lizzie stated, barely above a whisper.

Fay had begun listening in now, hearing the familiar rumble of words. The disembodied voices were louder than they'd ever been, their volume made them distinguishable from each other. She could make out men, women, and children amongst the slurry of sound. One seemed to tick at her, as if pulling on her ear, Fay felt like she knew the owner.

"Fay," Jack said. "Do you hear my roommate too or am I just goin crazy?"

"Definitely still sane Jack, less I'm crazy too."

There was now no doubt in her mind whom owned the voice. Jack's roommate, also named Jack, was an odd man. He seemed to be nocturnal, only leaving the house in the late evenings or night. He moved so silently between shadows in the dark it was as if he were able to teleport, becoming part of the ever constant fog of London. Other than those strange qualities, he was pleasant to be around. Reserved, quiet, polite, a gentleman to say the least. Jack hopped up from where he sat, took a left and cocked his head once more, motioning for Fay to follow him. Moving toward Jack she heard his roommates voice clearer now. Still not clear enough to understand, however. The ticking clock had eluded Fay's attention up until she looked back over to where Bathory stood, seeing her frozen in place staring up at the timer. 20 minutes remained. Fay felt herself stiffen too, she looked back over to Bathory now seeing Lizzie next to her, gripping the handle of her axe so tight that her knuckles had turned white. 15 minutes remained. Fay tried to speak, to alert Jack of the time. Nothing came of it. Weak, breathy gasps were the only thing escaping her mouth. 10 minutes. She tried to move, to no avail. Her body, stiff as a corpse, refused. Jack stayed oblivious, eyes still closed, still listening. 5 minutes. Fay could only watch as the clock ticked down. 4. Helpless again of the fate to befall her. 3. All to do now is wait. 2. Jack looked up, over to Fay then to the timer. 1. His face morphed to fear. 0. The ground collapsed under them. Fay's stomach threw itself against her lungs and a scream tore open her throat. She fainted.

Jack the Ripper & Fairy Fay: A Living Dead Dolls storyWhere stories live. Discover now