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They were stuck. Arguing about the potential newcomer for three days. Jack had once again gone off the rails on another tangent of the 'lad of the future' he met. Bathory, infuriated, was ready to beat him to a pulp. Fay was holding each back, yelling at Jack to shut up and Bathory to say calm. A crash sounded through the air. Everyone instantly shut up, frozen where they stood. They heard a loud voice cussing. The three stumbled over each other attempting to get to the sound first. Being the tallest of the three, Jack was the farthest ahead, Bathory being in close second. Jack halted. The other two crashed into him. Before the three sat a woman with an axe, her dress was simple and new, her curly hair cut very short, framing her gorgeous face. A thin trail of blood ran down from her forehead to her cheek.

"LIZZIE!!" Jack roared, hoisting the woman up and squeezing her, laughing loudly.

She squealed at first but began cackling with him as they hugged. After a few moments Jack set her down, still laughing. Fay was delighted to see her too, Lizzie was exciting and no doubt would bring joy to the group. Bathory stood a little behind them, confused as to whom this was, still happy as her friends were. It took a few moments, and Jack getting hit with a shoe, for everyone to calm down.

"This is wonderful! You're the last one!" Fay said, waving her arms animatedly.

"Last one?" Lizzie asked "What's that mean?"

Bathory came forward. "Well, we've been missing something, a fourth member, and you've just filled that place."

Lizzie raised her brows. "Wow, I'm honored, I'd be happier if we weren't all dead."

"Fair enough." Jack interjected.

"Shut it Jack, you've done enough talkin for the day." Fay said jokingly nudging his side. "So, Liz, what happened to you? Were you murdered like the rest of us?"

"Unfortunately, yes." She said, lifting her hair to show the source of the blood. A small but deep cut sat at the edge of her hairline. Her skull had a small bump where it sat.

"What happened after I left?" Jack asked.

Lizzie took a deep breath. "Well, the night you passed, the Scotland Yard contacted my parents on what had happened and they immediately came to retrieve me from my schooling abroad. They were furious that I'd found someone I liked. The ship I took landed in New York, so I rode the train to my home state. There I met a woman who shared my name. We ended up talking about our families and I complained about my parents, so, she suggested I kill them. At first I was horrified by the idea but she quickly convinced me of the benefits, even giving me instructions on how to conceive my innocence. I at first decided to not go through with the plan she and I created over the trip, but after only a month of suffering my parent's abuses I reconsidered the proposition and decided to prepare to go through with it. For about three months, in secret, I trained myself with an axe. Cutting wood, hauling it around, the works. When I built up enough strength to swing it around like a feather, I killed my parents with our maid being my co-conspirator. I proved my innocence in court a few weeks later and that was that."

Jack and Fay were shocked, their jaws dropped to the floor. How could Lizzie, such a sweet woman, kill her own kin?

"That explains all the muscle you've built up, so how'd you die?"Jack said, recovering.

Lizzie straightened her shoulders and rested her hands on her axe, which was nearly as tall as her. "Well around a year after my trial, I met a kind gentleman by the name of Richard Kensinger. We became friends and he proposed to me two years after we met, I denied him stating that I was to stay single till my death, for a month after, he harassed me with his proposal again and again. I finally gave in with the compromise of us living together, he accepted this. It had only been a year since he'd started living with me when he began asking again, I kept refusing him. One day while I was out he snooped through my room and found my personal journal, there he found out about you," Lizzie gestured to Jack and Fay. "and my plot. He threatened to report me unless I marry him. I refused again, ran to the shed for my axe, and threatened to kill him. We had quite a fight, dishes, windows, just about everything was broken. He ended up winning when he grabbed me by the hair and smashed my head against a table. Then I woke up here."

"Well, we've got a murder among us." Bathory said as Lizzie finished.

"No shite Sherlock, what great mystery are you gonna uncover next? That I'm the bloody queen of England?" Jack said, turning to her and rolling his eyes.

"Quit it Jack, she's done nothing wrong." Fay interjected, stepping toward Bathory away from Lizzie. "She's right, Lizzie, you murdered your parents and nearly killed another person. I can't find any way to trust you knowing this."

"Bullshite, what's she gonna do? Kill ya again? Ye gonna die twice?" Jack shouted, waving his arms around. "Sides I'm no better, I killed you, remember? I've killed plenty more people, and ye still trust me."

"You couldn't control yourself, that bitch of a demon did all the work, you were just a vessel!"

"She was NOT a bitch, at least not all the time. I allowed er to use my body as a puppet, I'm just as guilty as er."Jack said gritting his teeth and furrowing his brow.

"Oh, so now your sympathizing with a demon huh!?" Fay asked, agitated.


"WELL THAT EXPLAINS QUITE A BIT NOW DOESN'T IT!?" Fay screamed at him. Bathory and Lizzie pulled them away from each other before they started swinging fists.

"Jack, if you're gonna defend a murderer," Fay said, pointing to Lizzie accusingly. "then you can stop talkin to me." Fay huffed and stomped away from him, Bathory following closely after.

"Well nobody wants to talk to a hypocrite, especially a bitchy one!" Jack shouted after her. He also stomped away. Lizzie followed suit after a moment's consideration. The two stayed at opposite ends of the void, not interacting in any way. For weeks they stayed furious at one another. Bathory and Lizzie were the only two to communicate between them. They tried to repair the relationship between Jack and Fay but failed. There they remained, until one night a timer appeared in the sky, counting down from 13 days.

Jack the Ripper & Fairy Fay: A Living Dead Dolls storyWhere stories live. Discover now