Chapter Seven

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The show was beginning in two hours and yet Jaymes and Robin had snuck off to their old, ice cream joint like two children. Dressed in cocktail attire, they slipped inside the bustling pastel-colored shop and giggled their way to the front desk, liquid confidence in their veins. The cashier shot them wary glances below her blonde eyelashes as the surrounding teenagers whispered beneath their breaths. Jaymes didn't care, and she doubted Robin did too.

"One vanilla-caramel cone for me and a choco-crazy cone for my lady here." Robin ordered for them. He handed the cashier his card and returned his attention back to Jaymes. As he dug his face into the crook of her neck, she inhaled the woody scent of his cologne. Minutes later, the waitress handed them their cones, and they were laughing their way to the back of the shop. They plopped down on the seats and licked the cones clean.

Three ice cream cones and an hour and a half later, they were taking an Uber to Biano's House. It was a plain white building, nestled between a library and modest theater. The driver dropped them at the front doors, decked out in art deco style molding, gold, ornate designs sprawled across the glass doors and intricate, gilded railings guiding the steps upward. As they shuffled out of the car, Robin handed the woman a twenty-dollar bill for her service before helping Jaymes out of the car. They walked arm in arm through the revolving doors into the building.

There was a sprawling foyer with a receptionist desk and stands showing the current exhibits. Behind the statuesque sculptures was a glass partition and then a long horizontal hall that led into three separate rooms, all cut in half by Corinthian columns.

"Second room." Robin informed her as he pulled her away. Jaymes took in the subtle grandeur of what she'd assumed would be a simple gallery. The walls were a soft rouge, with glistening chandeliers in every room, black wooden floorboards, and tufted benches between the paintings and the columns. There was an airy, almost romantic atmosphere to the gallery. People floated from room to room, keeping their observations to hushed whispers and faint nods and smiles.

Jaymes and Robin entered the second room, brimming full of people. Jaymes, with her nerves already frayed, asked Robin if they were late. He quieted her concerns in his usual way; with a kiss and a reminder they weren't late at all. Jaymes didn't have much time to gather her bearings, as a tall man with long, curly hair slicked back and small, circular glasses approached them. Robin greeted the man with a hearty hug and clap on the back. He then turned to her and introduced Jaymes.

"... my girlfriend, Jaymes. Jaymes, this is Mathew Biano." Robin said. So, this was the infamous Biano, Jaymes thought to herself. There was something about him. Something so intimidating yet smooth. Elegant and refined, and yet she felt there was some darker side he hid, beneath the well-fitted suit and a black turtleneck. His smile was radiant and his eyes were kind if not mysterious.

"Jaymes Nichols, nice to meet you." Jaymes shook his hand. They shared kisses on both cheeks before returning their attention to Robin. All three discussed the beauty of the gallery and the excitement over Robin's first exhibit with Biano. Their chatter lasted minutes before a couple pulled Robin away to gush over a nearby painting. Just as Jaymes opened her mouth to speak, she caught sight of her parents walking in through the archway. Biano followed her eyes to the archway, recognition dawning in his expression.

"Your parents, I take it." He concluded. Jaymes nodded. She began to ask why he'd opened a gallery when Biano spoke again. "Your mother is Denise Nichols, the ballet dancer?" He asked her with that same renewed vigor and curiosity she'd seen in other's eyes, when they realized who her mother was.

Jaymes smiled gratefully as Biano responded to her acknowledgement with a thorough list of her mother's performances. "Would you like me to introduce you?" Jaymes offered. Biano, suddenly losing the cool edge he'd maintained for most of their time together, eagerly nodded. He held Jaymes hand tenderly in his own and they set off towards her parents, who were admiring the paintings near the entrance.

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