Chapter 19 - Confusion

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Previously on The Golden Proposal -

The Slive Mors Dilectio curse is made to curse one's love life except if they find their soulmate, which happens in rare cases. This curse is only meant to be cast on witches who committed adultery or any other act disgracing a relationship, marriage or courtship. It is meant to act as a punishment to the lady if in action of tainting the Lord. The curse comes with a cure. Before the 17th century, where the mate finding spell was invented, people died of it, always. The spell gives you a mental image of the appearance of the soulmate. It is not a curse to cast with foolish thoughts. It is cast with intent of rage, hate and desire for emotional or mental pain. The curse is dark and practically incurable. It was invented by Salazar Slytherin himself. The meaning is death or love from latin. The curse is a rather complicated killing curse. A true love's kiss and potion made of rare ingredients is the only option to get cured. The potion had to be poured on a recently reopened magical scar or a fresh made one. With these two steps combined the victim will survive but is going to be in a magically induced coma for two weeks once the ritual is done. The ritual is to be initiated in a ritual chamber on the 7th of February, the day of the birthday of Salazar Slytherin. In the present, the curse is illegal for any use, casting it can result in lifetime imprisonment or a very long Azkaban sentence. This curse is considered a forbidden black magic curse, only cured by the purest of magic's, love. The curse can only be cast on a non-virgin woman or results in the immediate death of the caster and the victim. The side affects of the curse are night terrors of the caster, headaches and tiredness. nothing really fatal. This sort of magic is classed as black/dark/ritual magic.


"Well, I did not know that Ron hated me so much. I only refused his proposal and he wants me to die. There has to be a deeper reason to why Ron wanted to murder me than for a failed marriage demand." Hermione said

The young witch was disbelieving. She had always known her ex-boyfriend had an explosive temper but this was an entirely new level of rage that was tainting Ronald's soul. She knew she didn't love Ron romantically and she had come clean about it, maybe not in the best way. For her, being honest was an extremely important thing and she had admitted that she loved him as a brother like Harry.

She had to find out where Ron had found that curse in the first place. He came from a very light family that was loyal to Dumbledore, the least darkest person in the whole magical world. The bushy-haired witch wanted to know if Ron even knew the real consequences of the Slive mors dilectio curse. If he did, than why did he use it, especially on her, his best friend and almost fiancée. Something didn't add up.

"I agree with you, Mia. I might have never liked Weasley but he seemed like a loyal friend and a loving boyfriend. It surprised me that he would even know this curse. Severus knew about it because of his past and he warned me to never use it. I took his warning to heart. Something deeper is going on and I'm determined to find out what could be happening." Draco responded thoughtfully

Hermione continued reading the thin book only to fall on page that caught her attention. It was the same parchment but it seemed thicker and more protected like a potion's book, if it was possible. On the head of the page, we could read Curing Potion in big emerald green letters.

"Draco, look. I found the recipe for the curing potion" The young woman said enthusiastically

"Can I see?" He asked

"Yes of course, here." She said

Hermione watched Draco as he read the page. He had a beaming smile on his face, to be replaced after by a thoughtful frown and finally an angry scowl.

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