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V The Next Day V

I woke up with an empty stomach, I didn't eat at all last night since I was too busy on talking with Smii7y and John that I forgot to serve myself some food.

It was an amazing time though, we fell asleep at around 3 am since they were really tired and needed to get up early in the morning.

I yawned as I went downstairs to get some food, I got some ingredients to cook up something small and decent. I began cooking as I got everything I needed, I put on my music on my phone so it wouldn't be so quiet.

After 10 minutes of cooking and setting everything up, I was done. I put the food in a plate and got a drink. I ate quietly, this was my everyday life which sucked to be honest.

Wake up, cook food, edit some videos, play with friends, sleep if I had the chance.

It sounded all nice and simple but I wanted something more, I wanted to meet my best friends but of course I was so goddamn shy on showing my face. I did show my face to Smii7y and John but that was for a second.

I looked at my phone to see that PAX was coming up, maybe I could finally go to see my friends. Everyone I knew was gonna go so this was going to be a big surprise.

'What if something goes wrong? What if I mess it up?'

I was questioning if I should even go or not, fuck it I'm going. I don't care if my mind was thinking differently. I was gonna go to PAX to finally see some of my friends, Smii7y and John did say they were gonna go which made this even better.

I cleaned my plate after I did that I went upstairs to my room, deciding to edit some videos.


"I.Am.Done!" I cheered as I got the thumbnail that the artist made for me, put a title, finally, I published the video for the day.

Right as I sent it, I received a text from Smii7y asking if I wanted to play some Rainbow with him and some friends.

Wanna play some R6 with Grizzy, Jaayy and John?

Bappo Hotel
Sure! Invite me

Seconds later I got invited by Smii7y, I joined to hear Grizzy wheezing over something.

"Ok, why is he wheezing?" I asked everyone.

"Just because I yelled 'Yes Papa'" Smii7y said in between laughs, Grizzy's wheezes always made me laugh even if I was in a mad mood, it was just so laughable.

I joined then a match started, all of us picked our operators but someone took mine. I wanted to pick Vigil but Smii7y already picked him.

"Smii7y would you be a sweetheart and give me Vigil?" I said in a nice tone, hopeful he gave me Vigil.

"Let me think about that uuuh no, choose someone"

"No ChOoSe SoMeOnE eLsE" I mocked him as I picked Cav, Smii7y laughed at me mocking him.

"Someone's a little mad" Jay said.

"Jay, shut up" I told him, the match started and everyone reinforced everything.


"I'm just saying I would rather get fucked from behind than-" I cut Smii7y off.

"Smii7y shut up, I'm trying to clutch" It was just me left versus 3 other people. I knocked one guy down and interrogated him. The last two people were far from the objective and they only had 10 seconds.

Then we won, both of the people that were far from the objective left the game.

"Wow you finally clutched a round, that's a first" John suddenly spoke up.

"John, my heart. How could you?" He chuckled as well as the others. We kept playing until Grizzy and Jay had to leave. It was just Smii7y, John and I.

"So are you guys going to PAX?" I suddenly asked.

"Of course brother, we always go or try to" John told me which Smii7y agreed with.

"Are you gonna finally go? We really want you there this year" Smii7y told me, should I tell them? Fuck it, I want to hear their reaction.

"I was planning on going so you might see me there" They both cheered, even screamed and hit stuff.

"Guys it's not a big deal, calm down" I told them, they finally calmed down and settled.

"Hey we should show our faces like yesterday, yes yes?" Smii7y suggested, I gripped my pants at the thought of showing my face. I was gonna go to PAX anyways so might as well show my face, right?

"Yeah, let's do it" I agreed with Smii7y's idea.

"Wait really?" John asked.

"Yeah, I wanna show my face more often since I am going to PAX anyways so you guys will see my face anyway" They both agreed then we all turned our cameras on.

Smii7y was wearing a black hoodie, John had his hair up and still had his rings like always. I wore a hoodie as well but mine was white, I wore Smii7y's 'damb' hat since I was lazy to put my hair up.

"Hey I see you wearing the best hat!" Smii7y pointed at me which I did the same.

"Heck yeah brother, I gotta support my friends"


"You guys are weird" John said which made me giggle, I put my legs in criss cross on my chair. Smii7y spun around in his chair while John was playing with his rigs.

"So, you're going to PAX? What made you think on going?" John asked me.

"I wanted to see some friends in person, especially you guys" They both looked at me and smiled.

"Dude when we see each other I'm gonna hug you so much, we better do the REEE noise" Smii7y suggested.

"Oh my god all three of us! Let's make that noise when we meet" I pleaded, Smii7y already agreed, we just needed John to agree.

"John please! This will be the first time I've seen you, let's make our first meet up to be funny" John looked to the side, thinking then he looked back at the camera.

"Fine just for you" He smiled which made me get up and dance.

"She's really excited"

"I am too.."



Like and comment! I'll see you all in the next one my fellow cookies 🍪

Love Triangle {Smii7yxReaderxKryoz}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ