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> The Next Day <

"Should I pack up now or when do you think is a better time?" I asked John, he thought for a second but shrugged.

"Right now seems a bit too early, maybe do it two days before PAX" He told me which I understood, he's right, right now would be too early to pack up my clothes.

"Dude I'm so excited! I can't believe this is actually happening" I giggled while he just smiled with a nod.

"Yeah, I'm very excited to finally see you in person. What hotel are you gonna stay in?" Oh damb I forgot to get a hotel.

"Funny thing, I forgot to book a hotel" I told him while I laughed nervously.

"You can share with Smii7y and I, if you'd like" Sharing a hotel with two of my best friends? Heck yeah.

"Hell yeah, let's do it"

"Hey no swearing in my Christian server" He joked around as he typed something on his computer.

"So when the FUCK is Smii7y joining?" I asked as I ate some of my candy.

"I think he told me he wouldn't be on today, you know to catch up with himself or something like that" He explained to me.

"Oh alright, seems fair"

"What do you wanna talk about, Johnny boy?" I asked as I spun around in my chair, suddenly we heard someone join the call making us both look who it was. It was Fitz which I quickly turned off my webcam.

"What the fuck are you two doing alone here? Especially with your camera on" John turned off his too.

"Just talking, you going to PAX?" John asked him.

"Probably not, but hey Toby and Ryan are going. Maybe Swagger as well but I don't know"

"By the way Y/N, you have very beautiful E/C eyes" My eyes widened, fuck he saw how I looked like? I started to get warm, what was he going to say next?

"You saw me? Fuck" He laughed while I just blushed in embarrassment, I didn't want anyone else seeing my face.. not now maybe at PAX but I wanted to keep it a secret for now.

"Yep, why don't you show your face? You're very pretty dude" He complimented me.

"Thank you, I swear if you tell anyone you saw my face I'll go to New Zealand and kick your ass" I threatened him.

"Yeah sure ok, anyways I'll leave you two alone" With that, Fitz left. John and I turned on our webcams on.

"That was something" He said with a chuckle. For the rest of the time both of us talked about anything.

V Two Days Before PAX V

Ok, two more days until PAX, I'm calm yeah very calm. I was already in the plane, I decided to go a bit earlier so I can get settled in before PAX. I told Smii7y and John in which they replied with they were already over there, they said when I get over there to talk to one of them so they can guide me where to go.

'This is it, the moment when I see my best friends'

I was quite nervous if I do say so, never in my life have I done something this big, my heart was racing and my breathing was going rapidly but I calmed myself down. I tried listening to music which seemed to work a bit, I then drifted off to sleep.


I opened my eyes to see everyone getting up and getting their bags, I guess I should do that as well. I got up and got my bag then leaving the plane. I pulled my phone out to call Smii7y.

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