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They decided to die and then leave one by one, leaving the new teammate to clutch it by himself. I got invited which I gladly joined.

"You cunts better not vote to kick me" Tux was giggling and then the 'Vote To Kick' appeared again.

"Tux!! You son of a bitch" I decided to teamkill him which made him stop giggling like a little girl and yell.


"BEING BORN THATS WHAT YOU DID" I kept reinforcing and went to my spot. Tux kept complaining, even got up and walk around in his room.

"I think you made him mad brother" Smii7y told me, both of us laughing at Tux's anger.

"You guys are fucking laughing like maniacs Jesus" Raccoon said which made Smii7y and I laugh even more for no apparent reason. Tux came back after awhile of bitching, still mad obviously.

"Y/N Y/N come here" I heard Smii7y call out for me, I went over where he was at to see he had an injured person.

"Watch this" He threw his Val cameras since he was Valkyrie, the guy died by the cameras making us both laugh. Smii7y picked up his camera and ran around the map to find more people.

"Y/N I got another one! Come here" I went over to Smii7y seeing he had another injured. He did the same making us both laugh, it wasn't even funny we just laughed for no reason.

"It's not even funny" Tux spoke.

"Shut up, Tux! You're dead, your opinion is invalid!" I told him then giggled.

"Yeah TuxBird! Shut it" Smii7y went along with it, both of us laughing. Smii7y suddenly killed me for no apparent reason.

"HEY! WHAT THE FUCK SMII7Y" I yelled at him, he just laughed and teabagged my body.

"Real fucking funny, cunt" He kept laughing at my yelling.

"Yeah karma bitch!" Tux told me, I received a text from Smii7y saying:

Sorry Y/N, forgive me? :)

Bappo Hotel
No -^-

Please bb? :(

Baby? That's a first

Bappo Hotel
Hmm I don't knooow

We can FaceTime after they leave ;)

Bappo Hotel
Fine, I'll probably feel better

Heck yeah borther!

"Y/N!!" McNasty yelled at me which made me look at my screen seeing we had to pick an operator. I picked one at the last second making me sigh in relief.

"What were you doing?" Raccoon asked me.

"Uh nothing" I quickly said, they knew it was a lie but didn't push it any further.


"How can you see if you have tits over eyes? I am confusion!" Smii7y questioned, all of the guys left and it was just Smii7y and I. We were FaceTiming since he promised we could. He still had the same clothing just like me.

"Wouldn't the nipples be the sight? Come on Jaren think brother!!"

"Alright I'm sorry!"

Then, John joined in the call.

"Johnny boy! You're finally back" I was the first to talk, like always.

"You're always the first one to say hi, not even giving me a chance" Smii7y said.

"Sorry, I just get hyped when a friend joins I just have to say hi"

"What were you guys talking about?" John asked, turning his webcam on.

"Y/N was saying how she would have tits for eyes instead of dicks for fingers" Smii7y told John making him laugh.

"That is so random but that is so Y/N"

"Is that a compliment?" I asked him.

"I mean if you want it to be then sure"

"Alright I'll take it as a compliment"

All three of us kept talking for the rest of the night just like yesterday, after 2-3 hours later all of us left to sleep. I was thinking on what to wear when I get to PAX, I know I'll only be over there for like 3 days but my outfit really mattered right now.

"Maybe a dress?" Nah, it's going to be cold over there. Maybe I can wear some stockings under it? Oh right I don't own a dress, I don't even like wearing them.

"I'll just wear a hoodie and some jeans, oh I can wear my favorite boots with the 'damb' hat, maybe a bit of makeup as well. I hope I'm not over thinking this shit" I told myself, I hope these two weeks hurry up.

V One Week Later V

"I need some milk as well as some bacon" I told myself as I looked around the store, it has been a week now which meant one more week until I get to see Smii7y and John in person.

I know I'll get to see my other friends but I was a bit more excited to see both Smii7y and John, they were always there for me and we had this weird connection that I can't explain it.

All three of us were just very good friends and I felt like I could tell them anything, yeah I might have other people but these two were there for me for such a long time, especially when I was in a bad place.

When I wanted to give up, they helped. When I cried, they were there for me. They might be dumbasses and crack jokes on camera but if you get to really know them, you'll understand why I love them. I trust them so much, I trust them more than my own family and that says a lot.

I remember one time I was having trouble with editing and stuff, they were the first people to help me on it and even gave me some tips on editing.

I finally made my way to my home and put the groceries where they belonged, since I already ate I just went to my living room to watch some TV since I had nothing else to do.

I can't wait to meet Smii7y and John.


This was a bit short but that's because I wrote this when I was sick (I still am kill me please) and I wanted to be nice and write something for you guys :) <333

Like and comment! I'll see you all in the next one my fellow cookies 🍪

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