November 2, 2014

459 19 4

Hey, first entry, huh?

Oh, straight to the point; my mom brought me this stupid thing to vent to because Tyler, he's um, currently not with us at the moment. Yeah, he's actually in a coma.

So, I'm going to just pretend I'm talking to Tyler.

Hey buddy.

So it's been a week since you tried to kill yourself. I can still remember finding your nearly lifeless body in the bathroom. I was so scared, Tyler. I thought I lost you. I dialed 911 and they came and took you. Thank god, because another minute, you would've been gone.

You know, it wasn't until then, I realized something.

I never knew, until I read your letter, just how much you meant to me.

And I never knew, that I, Troye Sivan, was in love with you.

That's right, I'm in love with you, stupid. Your laugh, your smile, your dedication, your voice, your hair, your eyes. The way we would quote songs that fitted the situation. The way we would just hang out and tell each other what was going on in our minds. The way we did almost everything together like two girls who are sisters from different misters.

I really hope you wake up soon. It's only been a week and I'm already insane.

It's getting late, and I'm supposed to return to school tomorrow.

Talk to you later, Ty.


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