Ch.44 Radio advice

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I might not be able to update for a couple of days, just saying.

(Flashback) Strolling through the woods that same day, Danny came upon an abandoned tower that had been torn down with moss coating parts of the body. He stood there and admired the interesting view for a moment until he spotted a hooded figure walking by as he quickly hid behind a tree while watching the stranger. The figure bent down near some boulders where they picked up a rusted tin chest and opened it, only to drop it when a thick vine began to sprout out from it.

Staying behind the tree, Danny watched in shock as more giant vines sprout out from the box and began to wrap around the figure's body who struggled to get out. But just when they both thought it couldn't get any worse, a large flower appeared on a vine and opened it's large mouth to reveal sharp teeth in front of the figure. Acting quickly, Danny stepped out into view as he created a fireball in his hands.

"Watch out!" he shouted as he threw the fireball at the flower as it died down as the vines unraveled around the figure who stumbled back.

After making sure the flower was gone, Danny hustled to the figure and helped them up.

"You have to be careful around strange magic," he told the person "You all right?"

"Yeah," the figure breathed in relief as he took off his hood to reveal his face.

And once he saw who it was, Danny felt a frown forming on his face.

"Shawn," he scowled at Gwen's son, "I should have let that thing eat you. I heard you tried to kill Brooke."

"On my mother's orders," Shawn frowned back "She doesn't take 'no' for an answer."

"Well, is that why you're here?"

"No," he grunted, "I am through with doing things for that woman. I am here to find magic to help me get free of her."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's none of your business" he muttered as he tried to walk off.

"Shawn, what's really going on?" Danny spoke which caused Shawn to stop "I know there's more to it than just trying to find magic."

Shawn let out a sigh as he thought for a moment before replying.

"I- I haven't told you this before-" he began, "But I was born with magic. Except my mother would never let me cultivate it. She knew I would only use it to escape from her. So, if I can't learn how to use my own magic, I will steal someone else's."

He tried to walk away again when Danny once again spoke up.

"Shawn, stop" he ordered as the prince stopped "I understand what you're going, living with a controlling mother is not an easy life. Perhaps I can help."

"Really?" Shawn remarked surprised "Why would you wanna help me?"

"Just because we're not friends anymore doesn't mean we can't help each other. You don't deserve to be treated like this from your own mother, and I'm willing to help stop that. However, if I'm going to help you with magic, you're not going to steal it. You're going to use the gift you were born with."

Once he was on his break, Aaron took a seat at an empty table at the bar where he pulled out his phone and began to make a call to the radio girl Gabi suggested. As he waited for his call to be answered, he let out a deep breath when he heard the voice of the radio girl.

"Hello," he heard her friendly voice greet "You are on the air with Ms. Cupid, this is Rachel Fox, you are caller number 41, what can I help you with?"

"Um-" he mumbled a bit nervously "Sorry, I haven't been on the air before."

"It's okay," she assured with a smile "Just take your time."

"Well um, the only question I have is um- well um-"

After hesitating for a moment, he let out a sigh as he managed to continue.

"Okay," he breathed, "Here's the thing, I really like this girl, and she may like me back. I really want to ask her out but, I'm afraid I'm gonna mess things up. The reason why is because the last time I asked out a girl, things took a wrong turn and I haven't been on a date since. And that was 10 years ago."

"Oh, I understand. You're afraid of that mistake happening again with this girl. But if you say that was 10 years ago, then you must have learned from your mistakes. And that means you must be mature enough to prevent that from happening again."

Aaron let out a small sigh, knowing that was what Gabi had told him.

"Look," Rachel continued, "If you really do like her, then go for it. What happened in the past stays in the past. And if you were able to learn from your mistake, then you shouldn't be afraid to go on another date."

Aaron once again let out a small sigh, only this time, he felt a smile forming after, knowing what Rachel had said was right.

"You're right," he told her "I did learn from my mistakes."

"Then go ahead and ask her out" she smiled."

"I will," he smiled, "Thank you, Ms. Cupid."


After hanging up, Aaron looked out the window and spotted Brooke walking down the sidewalk while taking a sip of a drink she had in her hand. After hearing Rachel's advice, he decided to take action as he hurried out of the bar.

"Brooke!" he called out as he jogged up to her.

"Hey Aaron," she greeted with a smile.

"Hey," he greeted back with a smile "Um, you got a minute?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Um-" he began a bit nervously as he tried to gain his confidence " Are you free this Saturday night?"

"Um, I don't think so, why?"

"Well um-" he responded, once again trying to gain his confidence.

The more Brooke stared at him with interest in her eyes, the more nervous he felt. But remember the advice he received, he brushed away his nervousness as he let out a deep breath.

"I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me this Saturday night?"

"Really?" she replied with a smile.

"Yeah," he breathed, "I was thinking we can go to the movies first and then maybe have dinner after?"

"That sounds fun, I'd love to?"

He felt himself smiling back in happiness.

"Alright then," he replied, "I'll text you the deets later."

"Very well. It's a date."

"It's a date," he echoed.

After giving each other one last smiles, they bid each other farewell as they turned and went their different ways, both feeling excited for their upcoming first date.

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