Ch.97 Surprise gift

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Later that night, as he was starting to close up the bar, Aaron had just finished putting away the glasses when the door opened as Desi stepped in.

"I'm sorry," he frowned, "But I'm closing now."

"I know," she smirked while heading towards the counter.

"What are you doing here, Desi?" he demanded, "You gonna make me play your little origami toy?"

She giggled, "I'm just here to talk."

"What's there to talk about?" he scoffed, "You took off and didn't even bother to help us."

"It appeared everything got settled without my help."

"Tell me, Desi. What were you really planning on doing in the office? Because I know there's more to that than just willing to help Ross and his sister."

"You're right," she smirked, "There is more to it. This."

She held up the vessel of the blue ash.

"So you stole magic and ran away?"

She giggled once again, "I left Shawn and Mia so they could find each other, just like what the fortune-teller told me."

"And you expect me to believe that?" he doubted.

"Daniel, I know you think I'm a bad person."

"Yeah well, I'm usually right about those kinds of things."

"Well, not this time. Look, no harm was ever going to come to Shawn and Mia. I just needed to siphon some magic when she used her power."

"And now that you have it, how do you plan on using it?"

"As a gift," she smiled while handing it to him "To you."

"Me?" he replied confused, "What do you want me to use this for?"

"Use this to cure your wife's heart."

"What?" he gasped as his face lit up.

She motioned him to take the vessel as he did so.

"All you gotta do is put that in her drink and she'll be cured" she smiled.

"I- I don't understand why you're doing this."

"It's what the fortune-teller told me to do. And whatever it wants me to do, I do it. You're welcome."

Aaron held the vessel in his hand when he suddenly frowned.

"What's the price of this?" he demanded.

"Right," she pointed, "That. You see, even with Brooke's heart cured, that's still not enough to break this curse."

"So what do I do then?"

"Find a way to wake her up, get her memories back."

"And how do I do that?"

She gave a smile when she pulled out her fortune-teller.

"Oh no," he shook his head while backing away "I'm not playing that thing."

"Daniel," she spoke calmly "It's all right. If you wanna find a way to wake up Brooke, then this will give you your answer."

She held the fortune-teller towards him and waited. And as he stared at the object, Aaron didn't know if he should play it or not. But desperately needing answers, he let out a defeated sigh while pointing to a color.


She flipped the fortune-teller and showed him the numbers.


She flipped it once more and showed him the new numbers.


She lifted up the flap and read out the fortune.

"The answer is in the wake-up call. Look for the real numbers."

"What?" he remarked confused "What does that mean?"

"Looks like you're gonna have to figure that out" she replied while getting out of her seat "Think hard."

And with that, she walked out of the bar as Aaron looked down at the vessel of blue ash. Until he figured out how to wake up, he might as well finally cure her heart.

(Flashback) After making it back safely, Danny and Brooke took a stroll through the woods until they came upon an open area where they stopped.

"Here we are," he announced with a smile.

"Um, where are we?" she asked.

"You don't recognize this place? Look harder."

As she examined the area some more, that's when she realized where they were.

"No way," she gasped, "Are we in the area where the 'Wonder diner' landed when we came here to find Raven?"

"Yep," he smiled, "It's also where we first met."

"Oh my God," she gasped with her hand on her heart "I remember that."

"Brooke," he spoke as he faced her "I don't know how our story goes, and we may not get a fairy tale life with a perfect ending. But you are the best and bravest woman I have ever met. And if you could make a leap of faith with me, I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you."

At that moment, Brooke got the hint of what was to come when he pulled out the ring as she gave a small gasp.

"This may just be a pretty ring," he smiled, "But we both know it has a whole other meaning to it. And I would love if you would make me the happiest man in all the realms for you to be my wife."

"Yes," she quickly replied with a big smile "Absolutely."

They both gave small laughs as he slid the ring onto her ring finger. And just like that, they embraced each other and into a passionate kiss, now an engaged couple.

But little did they know that watching them from the trees, Apple gave a smile as she watched the lovers, seeing how their happily ever after was coming true.

"She said yes, huh?" she turned around to see Jonah approaching her.

"Have you been watching from behind me?" she questioned surprised.

"Maybe a little," he shrugged with a smirk.

"Well," she breathed while turning to the scene, "She said yes. I always knew those two were meant for each other. I'm so happy for them."

"Now uh-" he stepped closer to her "Since she said yes, remember the promise we made?"

She gave a side smirk while leaning against the tree to face him.

"Of course," she replied.

"You're gonna tell them?"

"Later this evening."

"Good," he smiled while stepping closer to her so that they were inches apart "It's about time you did."

"I'm sorry for having to wait this long. But you know how things are changing around here. I just wanted to wait for the right moment."

"And tonight's gonna be that time?"

"It appears so," she smiled.

He smiled once again as he reached his hand out and played with a strand of her blonde hair.

"I can't wait to show everyone who my queen is."

And with that, he slowly leaned in as Apple closed her eyes and felt his lips against hers. That evening, it was going to be the time she told them the truth about her and Jonah and that she was in love with a pirate.

Do you guys see what I did there? Daughter of Snow White and a pirate? Remind you guys of anyone? He-he ;)

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