Chapter 5: Ins And Outs

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"I just need to bring this stuff to the place I'm staying at." I tell Breane and she raises an eyebrow.

"You got a place?" I shrug.

"Something like that." Today was the day I had to leave. Gee was still in bed since I let her sleep in, and I was currently trying to borrow Breane's truck to drop off the little I had at the abandoned place I had come across.

"Don't destroy it." She says, slapping the key into my hand and I sigh out in relief before nodding and heading back to my room.

"Daddy," Gee was growing up at me as I entered.

"Oh you're awake, how'd you sleep?"

"Why is everything packed up?" She asks, rubbing her eye.

"We're gonna live somewhere else." I tell her and her frown deepens.

"But why?" I walk towards the fridge and grab the milk pouring it into the bowl. The fruit-loops was nearly almost done since it was the only thing she wanted to eat, and I mentally reminded myself to stop by the store and buy some more since I hadn't used my change yet.

"Here, eat up, daddy's gonna take care of some things," I tell her avoiding the question and she takes the bait, indulging in the sugary cereal.

I grab the mattress that I slept on, since it was mine and carried it to the van tying it securely at the back. I had about three back packs with clothes in them, and a black plastic bag with the shoes.

There wasn't much that I had, but I took the remaining microwavable meals and put them in one of the bags.

"Take a shower quick Geegee," she nods, handing me the bowl and scurrying off, her curls bouncing on the nape of her neck.

I sigh, running a hand over my head one more time before grabbing the bags. Dressed, with her signature Dora back pack, she held out her hand for me to take and I did.

I walked back over to a Breane's apartment, dropping the key in her hand.

"I'm sorry Manni. . . Y'know Gee always has to come back here for her classes, that won't stop at all."

"It's cool man, stop apologizing." Gee steps inside, blowing me a kiss and I do the same. "I'll be back for her earlier today," I inform, and Breane nods, a sad expression on her face.

I begin the drive to the place I had stumbled upon, some abandoned ware house sort of, behind another abandoned public place.

I made sure to monitor it for the past days, occasionally asking regulars about it, and as far as I know, no one has ever walked into that lane in years. It was near a street lamp, so I figured out a way to get electricity by simply stealing it.

I'm experienced enough since my 'parents' never bothered to pay for electricity themselves, just put two and two together.

I quickly realized that I should've done this in the night, when there was less people to look around, so instead of unpacking, I grabbed the broom that I brought over and decided to clean out the place.

There was a rusty door up front, the only entrance. There wasn't really any paint left, just peelings of it, grime and concrete. Tall walls surrounded the place, with weeds growing through the cracks, the door squeaked as I pushed it open. It really wasn't terrible, it was just unpainted, and dusty with broken windows and a weird smell. I'm just thankful that it was empty so I wouldn't have to move anybody's stuff.

I began sweeping, leaving the door open so I wouldn't feel stifled and I could let the dust out. I opened up the window and surveyed them, they seemed to be missing screws. I tried to push them open, but while I did, a part of it slipped from my grip and fell onto my toe.

I groaned, immediately removing my foot.

"Crap," I try to wait off the pain but these things are heavy. Jeez.

Scratching the back of my head after a moment, I ran a hand over my face and fought the urge to just become frustrated and walk away.

* * *

Four hours later and I've done the best I could. The floor is swept to the minimum amount of dust, I wiped the doorknob for Gee, and I was fast enough to sneak everything inside and put them in the right places.

There weren't any rooms, and another concern was there wasn't a bathroom, although there was a pay-per minute shower not too far from here that was gonna cost money that I clearly didn't have.

It was time to go back to get Gee, and I couldn't help but feel depressed that this is where she had to be.

As a father I should be able to do better.

Closing the door behind me as if that stopped anyone from getting in, I took the chance and left to get her from the apartment. I gave Breane her keys, dismisses her further apologies and began the walk.

"Is it far?" Gee asks and I shrugged.

"If you get tired I'll carry you, okay?"

"Okay." My hoodie practically worn as a dress on her since darkness had fallen, we walked together, down the street. The place wasn't necessarily far, but it wasn't too close either so I knew sooner or late Gee would be asleep in my arms.

I had to stop at the store to buy some candles, I also ended up buying chocolate for Gee right after I warned her that I couldn't spend too much.

I got candles, a match, and some snacks that were very cheap. I knew Gee would still be Fed, since Breane have them lunch and dinner. She'd be okay.

"Daddy, I'm tired," Gee sighs. "How much longer?"

"Not too far, but cmon," I stoop, and pick her up. She cuddles into me, and I continue on my way. About fifteen minutes later, we arrive, and I try my best not to wake her as I lay her onto the mattress. Breane had given me some fresh sheets, although she didn't know where we were staying. I appreciated it. I had a little flashlight, that I used to lead my way. I flipped over a cup and lit the rope of the candle, burning off some wax causing it to drip on the cup, I used it to stick the candle onto it.

Half the room was covered with light, and I sat onto the floor, and breathed out. Sitting in silence my eyes drifted to Gee, who was curled up. I took out once of the sheets from the bag, and draped it over her.

I'll be okay,

We'll be okay.

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