Ch 13

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(Date day)

Rose was going crazy trying to figure out what to wear to the date. She wanted to look nice for Lisa, and she still wasnt comfortable in her own body so it was hard to find something she thought looked good. 

Time flew by fast and Rose only had ten minutes left to get ready and she hadnt even took a shower. 

She was getting really frustrated and decided to give up. She hated going out and getting dressed because she felt nothing looked good on her. 

Rose heard a beep outside her house and she broke down in tears. She heard her phone go off and she assumed it was Lisa but she was crying too much to move from her spot on the floor to get up and check. 


Lisa was outside waiting for Rose, and she started to get worried when she didnt come out. 

She thought that maybe Rose was still getting ready, or worse, she forgot about the date. So she decided to text her. 

When Rose didnt reply or even open it, Lisa decided to go knock on her door. 

After a few knocks Lisa became really worried when no one came to the door. So Lisa being the person she is tried to see if the door was open, and lucky for her it was. 

So Lisa opened the door and walked inside the house. She heard soft cries coming from the upstairs area so she ran up the stairs. 

The cry's got louder and Lisa ran towards where it was coming from. 

Lisa found a crying Rose on the floor of her closet with her head in between her knees. Lisa felt her heart drop when she seen the sight infront of her. 

"Rose" Lisa said as she walked closer to the girl on the floor. Rose jumped and looked at Lisa with weary eyes. 

"Oh my god, this is so embarrasing, I-I" Rose couldnt finish her sentence because she began to cry even more, sense she felt so much anger within herself. 

She was so mad at herself for not being able to like how she looked in anything. "Hey, whats wrong" Lisa said as she got on her knees and got closer to Rose. 

"I-I couldnt f-find anything to w-wear" Rose said truthfully.  Lisa looked around and seen many outfits and was confused. 

"What do you mean, you have loads of clothes" Lisa said. Rose looked at Lisa and gave her a look that Lisa couldnt understand.

Lisa thought for a second and realized what happened. She remembered how Rose thinks of herself, and Lisa quickly hugged Rose and pulled her close to her. 

"Oh, Rose, you really need to stop thinking like this" Lisa said as she pouted. Rose moved away from Lisa and got up. 

"You dont understand" Rose said. She started pulling clothes from of the shelves and hangers. "This will make me look fat" Rose said throwing a dress on the floor. 

"This will make me look to skinny"

"This doesnt match me in general"

"This makes my body shape look wierd"

"This also makes me look fat"

Rose kept throwing clothes and saying how they all make her look horrible and eventually Lisa couldnt take it anymore. 

Lisa got up and grabbed Rose's hands and said "Stop, your all wrong, you arent fat, and your arent too skinny, and you dont ever look wierd, or ugly, so stop".

"You dont understand, I have so many flaws, and imperfections, and they make me feel so disgusting" Rose says. 

"What are you talking about" Lisa says. Lisa thinks Rose is the most beautiful person she's layed eyes on. 

"I-I have-" Rose couldnt finish her sentence, due to shame. "You have what" Lisa asks looking Rose in the eyes. 

"I have Body Dysmorphic disorder" Rose says ashamed of herself. Lisa had to think for a moment about what the disorder was, but remembered a article she read about it. 

The disorder made it hard for you to see yourself how others do. ROse see's all her "flaws" and she does whatever she can to tyr and erase them. 

Everytime she looks in the mirror she see's her flaws. 

Lisa could tell Rose was in no shape to go out and she looked really sad. "Do you wanna stay here and maybe watch a movie or something together, instead of going out" Lisa asked. 

Rose forgot all about the date and felt a lot better when Lisa offered to stay inside for it. "Yea, and im sorry for ruining everything" Rose said. 

Lisa pouted "you didnt ruin anything, in fact it'd be better to stay inside so we can lay down and maybe cuddle, but only if you want too" Lisa said kinda nervous. 

Lisa wasnt used to being like this for a girl, sense before Rose she would just be with a girl for one night and then that was it. 

But Rose was different and she made Lisa feel something. "I'd like that" Rose says and they both smile. 

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