chapter 3

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I can't believe this, I can't believe that I just ran into the only person that cared about me and now, now he was claiming that he didn't even know who I was.

more tears began to fall as I ran, I ran for god knows how long and for god knows were.

when I stoped I was at a park, not the one I just came from but the one I used to come to when I was little.

Memories of my brother brining me here when I was little ran threw my head and then the thought of how much fun we used to have together.

I wipped my eyes thinking about it.

"that jerk, that asshole that........that fucking prick"

I shouted to myself.

I sat down on one of the swings pushing myself a little back and forth well looking down at my hands.

I hadn't really registered it when I heard it cause I thought it was just my imagination, until I heard it again.


I knew that voice, that was Jeremy's.

I looked over my shoulder to see him running my way.

I got up and ran, I ran only because I knew what he was going to say and I didn't want to hear it.


I didn't stop, but now I wish I had.

I fell and hit my head against the ground.

my vision began to get blurry as the only heard.

"Chris stay with me, I know you hate me but you have to at least stay with me, please don't leave me."

I heard only faintly as my eyes began to close.

"Someone call 911!"

then everything went black.

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