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Its blank. The door was wooden, silver handle, white walls and light wood floors with a singular widow off to the side. I just kinda stood there and smiled, I never thought id be so happy to see an empty room but I was ecstatic.

"Its all yours baby" Corey said with a huge grin as he signaled to Devyn.

"Guess what!!" Devyn squeaked, "we are leaving in a few to get stuff for your new room!"

"Thank you so much guys I-I don't know how to thank you." I say as I start to choke up and tears come to my eyes.

"You know i'm the most badass so ill tag along, also it just so happens i'm fantastic at decorating ." Colby said sarcastically yet excited.

"Yes! Definitely! Colby ill definitely need your help, also you and Jake are like the emo gods!" I say giggling and grinning. Jake comes upstairs focused on his phone when he hears his name.

" id love to come" Jake says looking me up and down. Damn he's hot, much older than me but so hot. I mean i'm 17, he's 20, I mean c'mon that's not bad 3 years isn't that much. he's cute I wonder if Corey would be okay with it, I mean he should be right? whatever it wont happen anyway.

"Leyla? hello earth to Leyla?" Corey says waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yes Jake- Uh I mean Corey?" I quickly say correcting myself, looking at the ground and rubbing the back of my neck. What the heck was that, great going idiot.

"Uh- Okay... is it cool with you if Colby and Jake go with you and Devyn?" Corey asks confusingly.

"OH-oh yeah I mean its cool with me" I squeak out, putting my arm against the door frame trying to play it cool. What's wrong with me like i'm going to even cross Jakes mind in that way.

"Well i'm going to go chill a bit upstairs and get ready, Corey's going to go to the store and pick up some food for later. If you want you can stay up here and hang with Sam and Aaron if you'd like." Devyn says looking away from Colby and Jake. Jake looks at her confusingly and sets his arm on my shoulder- woah okay I admit I flinched.

" Nah she'll chill with me and Colby, we are going to be the emo trio." Jake joked and we all laughed. Jake looks over winking at Colby making him start laughing even more causing me to laugh .i look up at Jake and he just smiles down at me. it was amazing. then Colby broke the silence.

"How about I meet you guys in the game room in a second and ill bring snacks." Colby said walking to his room with no time for us to answer.

"Well sounds good I guess, we have no choice." I say giggling starting to walk to the stairs with Jake. Oh no I hope Colby doesn't take long. ugh alone with Jake? i'm sure to mess something up.

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