Fan Girls

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"Shit." Jake stops and looks at the ground in anger. "When Corey's video comes out explaining who you are, their going to know. Fuck." Jake utters and slaps his head.

"Its okay I wont let them see my face." I whisper facing the ground also, "Im just going to look at the ground and walk out." I say moving jakes hands from my waist and walking out to the car and explaining to nik what juat happened.

----Jakes POV----

I watched Leyla walk out as the girls ran up to me freaking out and asking who she was.

"It was no one, Just please don't tell anyone, I really don't need the fandom on my ass right now." I slightly pleaded, I mean I wasn't lying I don't need them attacking me right now and neither does she.

"I mean this is a huge deal, is she your girlfriend?!!" Fan #1 squealed jumping up and down.

"No shes not my girlfriend. Just a hook up." I winced at what I just said, damn that hurt to say, "Come on please don't tell anyone, I'll follow you on twitter or something." I paused for a second realizing that probably wouldn't work. "A-and Ill buy you both food." And trust me, I've never felt more shitty of a person than this moment.

"Deal!" They both shouted, "You promise you guys wont say anything." I asked quietly

"We promise." Fan #2 reassured.

----Time skip after the girls and food----

I finally got the girls to leave, they were so sweet but I miss my baby. Ew what did I just say? Stupid shes making me soft but I guess that's okay I've needed it lately. I grabbed our drinks I got for the girls and headed to the car. I could see them chatting through the windshield.

----Leylas POV----

I looked over and saw jake walking out and I immediately got exited. He got me a drink, so sweet <3.

"What are you smiling like an idiot for?" Nik teased playfully hitting my arm.

"He got me coffee, im a sucker for coffee." I said grinning like a dork.

"Awe your baby bubba got you your favorite drink!" She referenced sarcastically as jake opened up the car door sitting in the back.

"Whatcha girls talking about??" Jake asked in like a white chicks voice.

"Boy troubles, nothing much." Nik shouted before I could even say anything. Jake laughs as he hands me my caramel frap and I roll m eyes at her.

"Ouuu Spill the tea sis." Jake laughs with several voice cracks.

"No time gotta be home in time for dinner." I quickly change the topic, putting the keys in and pulling out of the parking lot. "hey nik want to stay the night?" I ask.

"Sure im down, Id have to ask my Foster Parents though, being 16 sucks." Nik complains and dials her parents number.

----Nik's POV----

I dial my home phones number and let it ring. Finally my dad picked up.

"Hello?" my dad answers with a tired voice. " Hey Matt will you put Nanna on the phone please?" I asks hesitantly. I don't call them mom or dad because, lets be honest, could care less about me.

"No shes sleeping what's up?" he groans through the phone.

"May I please stay the night at Leyla's house tonight?" I ask in a little girls begging voice,

"I don't care, have fun." He says yawning and hanging up the phone.

"Well good news I can stay." I say with a fake smile because I feel like shit,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2019 ⏰

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