• Tricesimus Quartus •

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• Tricesimus Quartus •


Romance novels say,

that I will get butterflies in my stomach around you,

that I will feel the fireworks in our kiss,

that I will be electrified when our hands touch,

that I will coyly but clearly be able to declare my love.

I should have known better.

Instead of the butterflies, I feel a shuddering, nauseating twisting,

Instead of the fireworks, our first kiss was awkward and sloppy, teeth even clashing at initial attempt,

Instead of the sparks, my sweaty palms shook nervously as they held yours,

Instead of clearly declaring my love, there was a lump in my throat rendering me speechless.

But even so, I can't deny, how good they felt despite how embarrassing they all seemed.

And I'll probably only feel this around you.


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