第一章 I

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The classroom was occupied with silence. Everyone already left besides Huang Renjun, the boy who is in love with poetry.

His eyes trailed outside the window, thinking of how to start his poem.

"Hurry up, Renjun. Everyone already left and I want to go home."

Byusong spoke with a hint of annoyance in her voice. Renjun turned his head around, his lips forming a small smile.

"Why don't you just leave already and go home by yourself?"

"I can't remember? It's almost dark out and I am already traumatized about going home alone."

Byusong answered awkwardly. Renjun let out a small sigh and returned his pencil back to his pencil case, together with his notebook. He can hear Byusong's foot tapping the floor as he was fixing his things.

"Alright, let's go."

Renjun smiled as the two left their classrooms. They walked home together and you can hear the stones being crushed in each step they took.

Byusong was a little busy on her phone while the poetic boy was staring at the scenery around them, drowning in his thoughts. Byusong took a small glimpse of him and nudged his shoulder lightly.

"Drowning in your thoughts again huh? What are you thinking this time?"

"Nothing, it's just.. another poetic quote I made in my mind."

Renjun answered. He shook his head once making Byusong more curious. Byusong knew this kid was all about poetry but sometimes, she can't even understand him with all those poetic things his lips say.

"C'mon, I'll listen to you."

"Fine, I feel that.. there is nothing more truly artistic then to love people."

Renjun's lips formed a smile, proud of his little quote. Byusong looked at him a little confused making Renjun chuckle.

"You're always confused whenever I tell a few poetic things here and there."

"Who wouldn't be? I mean, I am not trying to sound rude or anything."

"Just.. find a way of how you can understand it. In poetry, everything has a meaning to it. There's not really a right or wrong way of understanding it."

Byusong nodded her head as she let her friend explain everything to her. The two didn't realize that they were almost home.

"Hey, I guess we have to cut the conversation here."

Byusong said, her lips forming a straight line. Renjun just chuckled and rubbed his nape awkwardly.

"Sure, see you tommorow, Byusong."

"You too, bye."

Byusong waved goodbye as she watched her friend leave. Renjun felt the cold breeze in his face which caused his lips to smile. He likes the breeze at night since it was cool and not too chilly.

He hurried home as he still had a few things to finish. A few more steps and he reached his place called home. He rushed to his bedroom and threw his things on the table. He took out his pencil and notebook quickly and wrote something on the paper.

How do you tell a girl you want to talk to her for hours without sounding like the biggest dumbest coward?

poetry | RenjunOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz