第六章 Y

195 13 0

"Hey, Renjun, snap out of it."

Chenle snapped his fingers infront of Renjun while Jisung just watched. Renjun shook his head and widened his eyes a little in confusion.


"You've been staring off to space for a good ten minutes."

"Really? I am sorry."

Renjun answered making Chenle sigh. Jisung was rather confused as the two conversed in Chinese.

"Oh, sorry, I usually talk to Renjun in Chinese."

"No, it's fine."

Chenle grinned as Jisung took a spoonful of rice in his mouth. The two young boys talked and talked and eventually forgot everything around them, including Renjun.

Renjun stared down at his food, completely losing his appetite. School was suddenly boring when Byusong wasn't beside him. It was like, the world started to run in a slow pace as soon as Byusong wasn't beside him anymore.

Renjun stood up, wanting to go back to his classroom. What's the use of going to the canteen when you don't even have the energy to eat.

He made his way to the classroom and found his seat. He sat down quietly, taking out his notebook. He opened it gently as he didn't want to ruin or tear something inside.

His eyes furrowed slowly as he was trying to look for something. The boy looked for his drawing of Byusong and eventually panicked when he didn't found it on his notebook.

Renjun figured that it might fell of his bag when he was at Byusong's place since he left immedietly as soon as he finisher writing a 'get well soon' letter.

He shook his head, trying to calm himself down. A pencil made it's way to his hands and his head is resting on his palm, he was ready to write something on his notebook again.

But there was a problem, nothing came into his mind. His inspiration and motivation suddenly vanished like magic.

Renjun ruffled his hair out of frustration and just stared out the window. Only an hour or two passed by and he already missed her. Her eyes, her touch, her scent, her smile and just everything about her.

"Renjun! Where did you go?"

Chenle asked loudly as his head slowly peeked out Renjun's classroom door. He wasn't allowed to enter inside Renjun's classroom so he just stood there and talked to Renjun while yelling or shouting.

"I just came back the classroom, and don't be so loud."

Renjun answered as he closed his notebook to reach Chenle. Renjun leaned to the door sideways and looked at Chenle, waiting for a response.

"What?-- Oh yeah, I sort of need some help."

Chenle rubbed the back of his neck and Renjun stared at him weirdly.

"With what?"

"With.. uhm.. with.. with-- nevermind, I'll just ask Kun."

Chenle let out a sigh and left Renjun's classroom. Renjun furrowed his eyebrows as he started yelling at Chenle.

"Hey! Chenle! Why-- ugh, this boy."

Renjun sighed in frustration as he gave up on trying to ask Chenle. He could've just went to him but Renjun was too lazy to do so.

Renjun didn't want to waste anymore time as he went back to his seat. He stared at his notebook, having no idea what to write.

He ruffled his hair violently as he kept away his notebook. He leaned his head against the table and waited for the teacher quietly. His lips let out a small mumble as his eyes trailed around the classroom.

"I miss Byusong."

poetry | RenjunDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora