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Bella POV

So after we got done getting introduced to all the gard and Marcus and Cauis. Jane, Heidi, and Chelsea squealed "oh no" I whispered and Aro burst out laughing "ya laugh it up aro" I said.

"SHOPING" oh no I'm going to die I thought as they draged me to there car such fun *sarcasm*

Jane POV (surprise)
Yay shopping this is going to be fun "bella your going to have to get used to it we all love shopping" Heidi explained "I figured that out" bella said under her breath and we burst out laughing if I were human I would have pissed myself. yay were here "great" bella mumbled.

Heidi POV

As soon as we enter the first store I go crazy as Chelsea says and we all start throughing bella dresses because aro hates it when women where pants we only do that for training or a battle. we also managed to slip some lingeries in the pile and we heard bella gasp I guess she found the our surprise for aro. yay!

~4 hours later~

Bella POV

Finally we're back at the castle with 40 bags at least ugh they show me to mine and aro's room wow it has the black leather love seat blood red bed 60 in flat screen and a huge walk in closet. I didn't even notice they left until there was a knock on the door "come in" and in walk Alec "Bella aro told me to bring you to the throne room" "ok let's go"

Bella and Aro Voltori love storyWhere stories live. Discover now