Thats fucked up

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Bella POV

~2 weeks later~

I was walking and all of the sudden someone came up behind me and covered my mouth and started dragging me but I started to wish for jane's gift then all of the the person that was attacking me fell to the ground screaming in pain I looked around Jane was nowhere to be seen so I grabbed the man and dragged him to the throne room and put my shield down and gave my love my hand to show him my every thought but as soon as he grabbed my hand I saw every single thought and memory he has had I flinched when I saw him with a woman named suplica oh well I see how he is devoted to me and he would give his life for me afterwards my love let go of my hand and looked at me "your a sponge" he gasped "what's that??" I asked "its a very rare and powerful gift you can copy and other vampire gifts when you look at them I can tell you have every gards gift u are all ready powerful Mia Isabella" he purred the last part I couldn't take it I walked back to the man and increased the power god that feels good no wonder Jane loves to do that then toke the power completely away I checked to see if he had a gift and he dose he has the four elements and the gift to see the future on decisions like alice I walked up to him after robbing him completely of his two gifts and toke his hand and I gasped in shock "Vicky thought the way to take the voltori down was to create a newborn army to come and kill us they have 300 vamps they will be here in 1 month" I said loudly then ripped his head off. I turned around and everyone was in shock it looks like. (throne room has been fixed)

Everyone POV

At one time the same thought ran threw everyone's mind 'that's fucked up'

Bella and Aro Voltori love storyWhere stories live. Discover now