Where is she!!!

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When we returned home from a mission which they forced me to go on I could smell my sweet bella's sent "where is she" I screamed everyone jumped and looked at me "where is Isabella" I screamed "we don't know but we do smell Edward" and I growled and my inner beast made his way to the front of my mind.

Bella POV

It's been a couple of days fuck face only gives me a pint of blood a day and he rapes me ever other hour and speak of fuck face there he is again to rape me and every time I talk back he bites me somewhere on my body so of corse I got over 300 bites already I'm brought out of my thoughts when Edward forcefully kisses me ewwwww gross ugh then of corse he starts to rape me again then all of the sudden the door burst down and in comes Cauis, Marcus, alice, Demetri, and Aro. Aro rips fuck head to shreds while the others get me off the table and alice hands me some clothes "thanks sister" i say to her" "no problem"

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