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Bella POV

After they rescued me we all went to the private jet and we all talked after the talks I had with all of them I see Jane as my sister along with Heidi, and Chelsea, aro my boyfriend, Cauis, Alec, Demetri, and Felix as my brothers and Marcus as my father. we all landed in Italy so we had to run to volterra it toke about 2 hours and it only toke so long is we had to hunt and of corse Cauis being Cauis complained about it cause he hasn't had to hunt since he became a king about 3,000 years ago "talk about lazy" I whispered to Jane and we were rolling on the ground in laughter as the others looked at us like we were the crazy ones hahahahahahaha god their faces are hilarious. If we were human we would have pissed ourselves after 5 minutes of laughter we were able to get up and run again everything is so beautiful I can see the smallest ant crawling 50 meters away easily when we got back we went to the throne room and gasped at the sight in front of us........


Comment and vote I think I'm starting to get the hang of this righting thing let me know


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