What's Next?

526 13 4

Craig's P.O.V
It's been a few days since i've seen Tweek, i had been busy with business but I found myself distancing myself away from the blonde.
My feelings for him have been growing strong recently but how can i bring him into my life? Full of murder, blood and illegal activity? 

I always remember how scared he was the night i met him and he thought i was going to hurt him.
I shrug it off, i need to regain some focus, i had shit to do.

Storming into the office Token follows me into my room at the end of the corridor, he closes the door after him, leaving just us in the room "what's wrong?" he asks concerned.

I light a cigarette "just at a moral dilemma" i say coldly.
Token sits on the table "about what?" he quizzes me, i sigh and look up at him "Tweek, i'm getting feelings for him but i feel its unfair to expose him to all..this" i say throwing my hands up.

"all what? you're careful, and successful, that boy would want for nothing, he should feel honoured, you're a smart successful businessman Craig" Token smirks "i've never met a rich person who is 100% legitimate" 
I let out a laugh and nod "you're right"

I stay at the office the majority of the day, i sit and count the safe, i tend to have enough money on my person so i don't actually know the exact amount in the safe.
I finish counting several minutes after, as most of the notes are bundled in large amounts it doesn't take too long, Token is usually in charge of the money and he's grown to be super organised, just shy of 1 million dollars in there.
Shocked by this i call Token in, he walks in "yeah?" i look at him "a mill?" i say nodding towards the safe, he nods "we have more stored in a secure bank account, so nearly 3 mill in total"
I rub the back of my head "shit, that's amazing, arrange a bonus to everyone, not too much but they should enjoy some of it, you and Clyde too"
Token looks shocked "yeah of course, thanks" he says as he leaves to tell the boys the good news.

I'm going to get something nice for Tweek, i suck at this stuff i have no idea what i'm doing, maybe a date? Like a proper date? Flowers and dinner?

Yeah, i'll do that, be best to start slow if i want a relationship, that's if Tweek says yes...
My thoughts are interrupted by Clyde rushing in "phone call for you boss" he says "Jones" I nod, Jones is one of my main buyers.

I answer the phone from my room "Tucker" i say
"Afternoon Tucker, it's Jones, look, we are looking to double our existing order with you guys"
I'm shocked "yeah of course, no problem, as it's bulk i can do it slightly cheaper, when do you want it doubled from?"

"meet after next? and I appreciate it, you know where i am if you need anything" Jones replies.

"No problem, speak soon" i say as i hang up.
I make some more calls to secure the supply, looks like i'm going to be making a lot more money.

I know Tweek is off tonight, he's been texting me all day, i haven't had much time to reply much, i leave the office and get into my car.

Starting the engine i decide to stop off and get Tweek some flowers and go see him at home, i pull up at a florist and order the most expensive bouquet of roses and a bottle of wine i know he likes.

I quickly pop home and get showered and dressed in my favourite suit and leave the house again and make my way to Tweek's.
I light a cigarette in the car and watch the world pass me by, i have butterflies in my stomach, he drives me crazy, I haven't felt this way in years and even then i don't remember it being this strong.
I pull up outside his house a few minutes later, i grab the roses and wine and walk up to the house and knock the door.

Tweek answers, he is wearing a pair of jogging bottoms and a big t-shirt, he looks perfect.

He's stood there opened mouthed looking at me, i pull the roses out from behind my back and hand them too him.

He flushes a deep red "Craig i- they are beautiful" he says

I look at him "so are you darlin" i say as he leads me inside, he puts the flowers in water and rushes back to me and hugs me.

I kiss the top of his head and hold him close "sorry about the last few days, been busy but got a buyer wanting to double his order with me"
Tweek smiles "it's fine i know you're busy, but that's great news"
He tiptoes and wraps his arms around my neck and kisses me deeply, i kiss him back and pull him close to me.
This small blonde man was absolutely perfect..

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