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Tweek's P.O.V

It has been a few months, Craig and I had entered a relationship, I was hiding the seriousness of my cocaine addiction from him.

He looked at me like i was perfect, i couldn't let him know what a mess i really was, i couldn't lose him, not now, i have fallen so deeply in love with him.

Kenny knew my weakness and was exploiting it, he would supply my cocaine, he knew to keep it a secret but for him to hold up his end of course he wanted something in return.

He had been forcing me to sleep with him for several weeks, i hated it, but it only fuelled my addiction as the drugs helped my pain go away which of course drove me further in Kenny's arms.

I had arrived to work early and was scratching my arms on my way to the office, i had scratches everywhere, it was a withdrawal symptom i suffered with badly.
I walk into the office and i could already sense Kenny eating me up with his eyes, i close the door and walk over to the desk in front of my boss.
"Morning Tweeky" i don't respond, i simply wait for him to place the baggie in my hand before tearing into it and doing several lines in order to escape this situation.
I had taken enough coke to make me pass out, i come round to find Kenny raping me as i'm bend over his desk, this isn't new, he does this a lot, i just grip the desk and wait for it to be over.

He is finished soon after and i rush off to get myself sorted, i'm sat in my dressing room hugging my knees and crying.

How did i get myself into this mess??

I dry my eyes and do a few more lines in my room before getting dressed for the night.

I walk out, the bright lights blur my already hazy vision, i am fucked, thank god i can still dance high.

I spin on the pole and dirty men throw their money at me, i can still appear sexy and in control even though i probably couldn't tell you my name right now.
My shift is over before i realise it and i'm stumbling back to my dressing room to get changed, once i'm dressed i go back into the office, Kenny looks up at me "you look a mess" he says.
I look at him "i can't do this anymore, i'm miserable" i say quietly.

Kenny stands and moves closer to me "you will continue to do this because you are nothing more than a crack whore right now, NOTHING MORE!" He screams at me.
I start to cry and Kenny pulls me close into a hug "i'm sorry baby but it's the truth, by all means go and tell your boyfriend that you're a pathetic slut who sleeps with his boss for cocaine as you're too ashamed of what you are to tell him, think he will still love you after that?" I shake my head in Kenny's chest.
He pushes me back gently "get cleaned up, you gotta go home" I nod and go to the bathroom to wash my face and regain y composure.

I walk back into Craig's apartment and he greets me from the kitchen "darlin you ok?" he asks concerned.

I fake a smile and nod at him "just tired"
Craig walks over to me and kneels in front of me and take my hands "what's wrong? you're a bad liar" I sink to my knees and crumble in his arms.

I break down and tell him everything, about my addiction and about Kenny taking advantage of me, i tell him that i'm ashamed of who i am and i tell him all the things Kenny said about me.
Craig stays silent and slowly strokes my hair "you were that worried about my reaction?" i nod miserably.

"darlin i knew you were on blow, just didn't realise you were addicted that much as you never spoke about it, so i didn't wanna bring it up"

I sob in his chest, we are sat on the kitchen floor, me in Craig's lap sobbing uncontrollably and he strokes my hair and whispers nice things to me as i crash and burn in his arms.

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