26. Dear Maggie, I love you.

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Jakes pov

I try to nicely kick everyone out when James looks over at me and grins, "Actually I was thinking maybe we could spend the night. We could set up blankets out here and tell ghost stories."

Jenna looks at Maggie excited, "Maggie that sounds like fun. PLEASE!"

Maggie looks at me and I sigh, "Yeah sounds awesome."

Except for the fact that I need my wife now or I might die.

Maggie smiles at me and I can't help but lean down and kiss her.

"I love you." I whisper.

She smiles, "I love you too."

Ten minutes later we have hunted down every last blanket in the apartment and have them laid out on the floor.

Maggie sits between my legs, and next to her is James and Sky. Then Demitri and Westley, Jenny and Liam, and at the very end is Jenna and Andrew.

I trial my fingers across Maggies stomach and she rests against my chest.

"Alright let's tell ghost stories now!" Jenna says excitedly.

Everyone agrees.

After a few minutes though we all realize how truly awful we are at telling horror stories and give up. Instead playing truth or dare.

"Jenna, truth or dare?" Demitri asks.

"How many people have you slept with?"

Jenna blushes, "I dunno, you want me to sit here and count?"

Demitri laughs nodding his head, Andrew grins. "Say their names too I'd love too know."

She blushes and quickly peaks at Jake, "Okay, um well first it was Andrew. Then Jimmy my history partner in the 10th grade. Allen in the 11th grade, we were partners on a feild trip and we got trapped in a elevator for 5 hours. Scott, in the 11th grade after a concert." She peaks up at Jake a few times during all of this, "then in the 12th grade there was Greg, Paul, Howard, and Chris." She had counted them all of on her fingers, "So nine."

I also kept track and she only said eight names.

She smiles and looks at Jenny, "Truth or dare?"

Jenny smiles, "Truth."

"Same question."

She looks at her hands, "Two."

Liam freezes beside her. James looks over at her and his eyes narrow.

Liam gives a forced smile, "We'll be right back."

Jenna gives a apologetic look, "I'm sorry. I didn't know it was going to cause any problems." She says after Liam and Jenny leave the room.

I half heartedly smile at her, "Don't worry about it."

"Um I guess I'll ask another question." She says looking around the circle.

"James truth or dare?"

Liams pov

Two? My mind tries to wrap around that.

I always thought she'd only slept with me.

Two means more then one and that means more then just me.

I pull her down the hall and into a empty room.

Jenny looks at the ground, "Are you mad?"

I grab her chin and make her look at me, "No, Jenny I'm not mad. I just.. why didn't you tell me?"

Dear Maggie, I love you. (Maggie and Jake; story 2 of 3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang