58. Dear Maggie, I love you.

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April the 30th.

I sigh looking at the wall, "Jake can I please get out of this bed?"

He kisses my temple, "Nope."

I groan, "I hate you."

He laughs and it's a breathe of air on my ear, "You love me."

I look at him trying to be angry but he kisses my lips and I sigh, "Yeah I do."

He grins, "I'm going to go shower and then maybe if you ask nicely I'll let you watch a movie in the living room."

I roll my eyes, "I'd rather lick my own foot then watch another movie.." I pause, "But I do want to get out of bed."

He kisses my nose, "Then I'll see you in ten minutes." He slips out of bed and then he narrows his eyes at me, "Stay in bed."

I pull a pillow over my head, "Yes master."

Jake laughs and then leaves the room. As soon as I hear the shower turn on I climb out of bed, wrapping a blanket around myself. I pad down the hall and into the kitchen. After grabbing my pickles and chips I sit down at the table. I smile even though I know I have to be back in bed by the time Jake gets out of the shower.

A minute later there's a knock on the door and before I can even think to get up to answer it the person just walks in. I wrap the blanket more tightly around myself and Liam walks in.

I smile, "What are you doing here?"

He grins, "What are you doing out of bed? Jake is going to kill you."

I freeze and listen for the water running and am glad to hear the shower still on. "He's showering, and I needed to get out of that bed."

Liam shakes his head, "You are one bad cookie. You know that Maggie?"

I shrug eating a chip, "He wouldn't bring me my chips or pickles."

He laughs, "I heard that you don't like pickles."

I pop on into my mouth, "I don't."

He kisses my head and sits down across from me.

"So what are you doing here?"

He shrugs, "I wanted to see you."

I roll my eyes, "You saw me like two days ago."

He pouts, "I missed you." Then his eyes trail to my blanket, "Are you wearing anything under that?"

I open it to reveal a yellow dress, "Yes."


"Maggie?" I hear down the hall. I freeze, damn it. "Maggie I told you to stay in bed." Jake says annoyed walking down the hall.

Jake walks into the kitchen and I stop mid chew, "What are you doing here?"

Liam shrugs, "I was bored. And it's my fault Maggie is out of bed, I made her come answer the door."

Jake sighs, "It's fine. You could have just come in though."

I hold in a laugh, because he did just come in. I finish chewing instead.

Liam gives Jake a look, "How often are you two dressed? I would never just walk in."

This time I do laugh. Jake looks at me amused, "True."

I stand up and waddle to the fridge pulling out the juice. Jake is immediately there taking it from my hands, "You could have asked."

I sigh and try to take it from him, "Jake I'm capable of pouring my own juice."

Dear Maggie, I love you. (Maggie and Jake; story 2 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now