Chapter 3

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Bella's pov

I drove really fast and as I was driving Zach asked momma where are we going and I said I don't know yet baby but we need away from here that I do know and Zach said ok momma and I drove for at least 10 hours when I thought about what my brothers friend said your alway welcome and then I said ok Haley, Zach I know where we are going and Zach said where momma and I said forks we are going to forks and Haley said mama me hungry and I said I know sweetie I know me too and then Zach said why forks momma and I said my brother lives there so we are going to stay with them ok.

They both said ok momma and then I drove to forks and then as I was driving though the woods and as I got past them Zach said momma hungry please and I ok and so I stopped the car and I got out and went to the back seats and I picked up Haley and I took Zach's hand and we all ran into the woods and we hunted for about 3 hours and when we were done we went back to the car and I put them both into there seats and then I got into the car and I drove to the reservation.

Once we got to the reservation and I reached my brothers house I stopped the car and I got out and I went to the back seats and picked up Haley and then Zach got out himself and I said ok now my brother doesn't know about you both so don't be surprised if he's mad ok and they both said ok momma and we walked up to the door and I knocked the door a couple of times and then finally the door opened but it wasn't Paul that answered the door it was Sam and he looked surprised to see me and he said Bella what are you doing here.

I said I need Paul's help please get him and Sam said ok and went back into the house and then a couple of minutes later Jacob came out and I said where Paul and Jacob said Paul isn't coming out until you tell me what's going on and I said I've did something and now other vampires are after me they kind of rule the vampire world and they have rules that I wasn't told of and now they want to kill me and these kids and Jacob said ok I'll go get Paul and I said thank you Jacob and he went back inside and then Paul came out and he said oh Bella what have you done little sis and I said these kids were being attacked and the only way I knew was to turn them and I did and so when they woke up I took them to hunt and when they did I knew there was other vampires around us so I took the kids and I started to move but by the time I did there was 6 red eyed vampires.

One of them said that his name was Aro and that he and his coven was the rulers of the vampire world and that there were rules and one of them was that vampires weren't meant to change children under 18 and that Haley and Zach had to be killed and I said no they won't and so I took Haley and Zach and I just ran until I got back to my car and we got in and I just drove until I got here and now they are after Paul and I'm really really scared I don't know what to do and I started sobbing and Paul said ok Bella come inside please and I said ok so me and Haley who was in my arms and Zach walked inside Paul's house and Paul brought us straight threw until we got to the living room where the pack was.

Paul said Bella you know the guys and they all said hi and I said hi old to see you all again and they said you too Bella and then I said as I looked at my brother Paul can I got put Haley and Zach in a room and then we can all talk and Paul said yes you can put them in your room and I said wait what you still have my room and Paul said yes of course I do your my sister no matter what you are and I went over to him and hugged him and I said thank you bro and he said your welcome and then I let go and I said ok Zach let's go.

Zach said ok momma and so we then walked upstairs and I went into my room and I sat Haley onto my bed and then Zach sat down to and I said ok both of you stay here ok and be nice to each other and play with each other do games ok and they both said ok and then I said ok and I left the room and went downstairs again and once I got down Paul looked over to me and he said ok Bella we are going to help you ok if it comes to it we will fight but we are going to need some help and I said ok thank you Paul but who will help us I don't know anyone and Jacob said yes we know but we do and I said oh right ok good.

Jared said Quil go and phone them and ask if we can have a meeting with them and Quil said ok and left the room and then Sam said Bella now tell us the truth how do you feel and I said I feel fine now that I know that I'm going to be safe and that Haley and Zach are going to be safe and Sam said yes we know that but physical how do you feel and I said oh right well I feel like I'm going to faint I'm so warm and I feel like I'm going to explode and it all started when I came back here today and Sam looked at Jacob and nodded and I saw him and I said what what's wrong and Paul said nothing is wrong you just aren't going to be a full vampire anymore and I said wait what what do you mean.

Jacob said Bella the signs you are having they all mean something it's what we are and then I caught onto what they were saying they were saying that I am getting my wolf gene so I said wait what no this can't happen to me no way and Paul said this is good Bella if your wolf comes it means the elders can't kick you out of the reservation they have no choice and I said ok fine that's good but I just have too much going on right now and Paul said like what and I said well for starters I'm a vampire and I have human eating vampires coming after me and I have 2 little kids to look after and Paul said oh yeah but it doesn't matter it's happening whither you like it or not and I said yes I know.

Quil came back in and said ok they said tomorrow morning is good and Jacob said ok good we don't wasn't this coven coming and starting a fight before we even try to fight them and then I got really mad at that coven for wanting to hurt my family and then I started to shake and then Paul looked at me and said Bella why don't you go upstairs and look after Haley and Zach to calm yourself down and I said no they are playing and I'm so mad and angry at that coven I want them dead and then I got so mad and I wanted revenge that I couldn't even feel my bones break and once they did I knew right there and then I was a wolf because I could see my wolf with my eyes I was pure white and I remembered I wanted revenge so I took off running and the pack was calling my name but I just kept on running.

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