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"kennedy...uh can you come over" i say to my girlfriend through the phone "yeah, i just got done work, i'll be there in like 15-20, are you okay, e" she asks me concerned "uhh, y-yeah i just miss you" i hear her giggle and she asks if i want food and i reply "yeah, whatever you want to get" i say and sit on the couch watching the weather

"i'll be there soon, i love you" she says and makes my heart skip a beat "i love you more" we hang up and i get even more anxious as i watch the weather

"tropical storm hannah is hitting san francisco hard and making its way down the coast towards los angeles" i close my eyes and i hear my phone ding

brother-you okay? i just heard the weather

-not really

brother-want me to come home?

-you don't have to, kennedy is coming over, i'm just scared she'll think i'm a pussy

brother-you have a pretty good reason to be scared of storms buddy, and she wouldn't think that

-it's already starting to rain ugh why me

brother-just breathe e
brother-kennedy will be there soon and i get done work in a few hours

-okay, love you bro

brother- love you more

after about 20 minutes she walks in with in-n-out in her hand "it's really windy out there holy shit, we need this rain tho" i chuckle nervously and hug her, she hands me my food and we sit at the island and eat

"how was work" i ask her and she smiles "it was good, some man was hitting on me for like twenty minutes while he was waiting" she rolls her eyes and i smile

"where's gray" she asks "work, he should be home in a little bit" i say and she nods and bites into her burger

thunder booms and i close my eyes and my breath gets caught in my throat, i cough hoping she wouldn't notice "you okay baby" she asks with her eyebrow raised and i just nod and eat my fries holding back tears, i'm such a pussy

"are you sure" i nod again looking at the ground "ethan look at me" she holds my face so i'm looking at her "are you okay" after she says that the tears roll down my face and i shake my head no

"baby, it's okay, just breathe" she hugs me and i cry into her chest "i'm such a pussy" i croak out "no you're not baby" she rubs my back "why don't we go lay in your bed" i nod

we climb into my bed and she turns the tv on and we watch hawaii 5-0 and she turns it up so i can't hear the storm but the thunder is louder than the tv and i jump and she hugs me

"breathe ethan, breathe in and out, follow me" i watch her breathing and try to copy it

he eventually falls asleep, i feel so bad, i knew he was scared but i didn't think it was this bad

i get up from his bed to go get a drink and i whisper to him "i'll be right back baby" i walk into the kitchen and grab my drink from the counter and eat a couple of my fries

the front door opens and gray walks in "hey kennedy, how is he" he asks taking his shoes off at the door since he was soaked from the rain

"he's sleeping right now but he was really freaked out, i knew he didn't like thunderstorms but i didn't think it was that bad" i say to him "yeah it's pretty bad, did he tell you why" he asks me "no"

"well when we were younger and we lived in jersey there would be storms all the time and we would go out and play in the mud and the rain but one time we went out and it was a thunderstorm instead of just rain and the lightning struck a tree in our back yard where we were playing and it fell and a branch broke off and hit him and he was in a coma for like three weeks and usually when you get hit hard you can't remember but he remembers everything and when it storms it gives him ptsd and he freaks out and he used to take medicine for it but we moved here and it barely rains so he stopped"

i sit there shocked "oh my god, my poor baby" i say sadly "it was pretty bad, i was so freaked out, i thought i was gonna lose him" i hug gray "i'm sorry you had to go through that" he nods and gives me a half smile "i'm gonna go back in before he wakes up and he's by himself" gray nods and sits on the couch

i walk in and lay with him and he wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head on my chest "i love you, i'm sorry you had to go through that"

he looks up at me "gray told you" he questions
"yeah, that must have been so scary, i'm sorry you had to go through that" he puts his head down "i love you ethan" he looks up and smiles "i love you kennedy"

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