Chapter 1

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Kaylynn's Point Of View

Hello,my name is Kaylynn Irwin. But my friends call me Kay or Lynn. I have brown hair with red highlights in it. My eyes are nothing like my brothers; mine are greenish,mixed with brown and yellow but they aren't hazel. I'm quiet shy but when you get to know me I'm always hyper and do pranks. I live with my older brother Ashton. (We moved out so we don't live with our parents but they visit us.) But he isn't home that much because of the band,so he bought me a little kitten to keep my company. I'm 17 years old and I'm from Sydney. I really love it here in Australia,but it's always hot. So anyway,my brothers band name is 5 Seconds Of Summer and they're pretty big,he's a drummer.The band consists of Luke,Michael and Calum. I'm really good friends with all of them,they're like my brothers.





I groaned and rolled on the other side of the bed to see what time is it. It's 5:15am. I'm not a morning person. 'Another day in that Hell Hole' I think. I groaned one more time and got up. I did my usual routine of a quick shower and getting ready for school. After I took the shower, I quickly choosed myself an outfit for school,which consisted a band tee and black jeans. I put a bit of makeup,but the basics; foundation and a bit of mascara. I did my hair and went downstairs to get myself a breakfeast. When I was on the last step I heard talking. 'Only one who has a key to the house is Ashton' I tought to myself. When I approached the room,I peeked around the corner to see Calum,Michael,Luke and Ashton in the house? I let out a scream of happiness and ran up to Ashton. They all stared at me like I'm some kind of crazy freak but ignored them. ''Ashton! You're home!'' I squealed and hugged him. ''What brings you back so early? I tought you had four more months of the tour'' I asked. Ashton laughed. ''We're on a break for one month'' Someone said. I turned on my heel and met by 3 familiar faces. ''Oh My God. Guys I missed you so much'' I said in a happy tone and hugged them. ''GROUP HUG'' Michael screamed. We hugged for a bit until I couldn't breathe anymore. ''Guys,I need air please'' I gasped. They all chuckled. Quickly,I glanced at the clock,it was 6:10. Great,I missed the bus and my class starts in 25 minutes.''Now because of you guys,I missed the bus" I whined. ''Don't worry,we'll drive you,beside,you have two more days until the summer break.'' Calum said. ''That's my point! I don't want to miss the last two days of school. And no,I don't want you to drive me to school.'' I sent Calum a glare,he just laughed. ''Why?'' Luke asked. Boy,I missed his voice. ''Because,I had enough of girls talking how much my brother and you guys are hot,I'm already grossed out by it.'' I stated making a disgusted face. They all laughed at that. ''Don't care,we're driving you or you'll be late and spend all day with us'' Ashton smirked. ''Fine.'' I groaned. As much as I love them and I love hanging out with them,they're all pervs but Michael is the most pervertend. We pilled into the car and drove off to school.




After 10 painful minutes of boys singing and them teasing me,we finally arrived to the school. As soon as I stepped out of the car bunch of girls came to me or more like my friends and my brother. I gave Ashton 'I told you so' look and he just rolled his eyes. ''Move you,bitch'' someone spat. I turned around to see Ashton,he was a bit tensed up. Turning my attention to whoever said that,my eyes landed on Amy,the schools slut. ''Gee thanks,I didn't know I had a fucking mirror on my face'' I shot back. I heard the boys stiffle a laugh and she just scoffed and walked away,so did other girls. I turned around to give them all hugs and Michael high fived me. They all went to the car and sped off.

I sighed out loud and preparing myself for another day of girls talking about the boys and Amy trying to insult me.




hi hi hi

so this is the first chapter of this fanfic. I hope you'll like it and yeah

i'll probably update every two days idk? anyway


and this is probably really short consindering that i only have 750 words

matea x

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