Chapter 3

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the giF



We were all sitting on a couch,squished together watching some boring movie. ‘’What should we do?’’ I asked them. ‘’Honestly,I’m fine here sitting and watching the TV’’ Michael says while switching the channel. ‘’Really,Michael?’’ I laugh and he nods. ‘’I know!’’ Luke squeals. ‘’Tell us.’’ Calum says. ‘’We should have a water ballon fight!’’ Luke says. ‘’I’m in’’ Ashton says. ‘’Me too!’’ I squeal. ‘’Guess we’re doing it’’ Michael says sadly. ‘’C’mon Michael don’t  be such a sad lad’’ Stacy says making me giggle. ‘’Okay,let’s get changed.’’ I say. ‘’Wait,wait. I don’t have a bathing suit’’ Stacy pouts. ‘’I’ll give you one’’ I say. Me and Stacy ran to my room to get changed.


It took us 10 minutes to change. I was wearing a pink strapless bikini,it was cute. It made my butt look bigger,but oh well. I gave Stacy my plain white bikini. Honestly,she looked hot in that and I was kinda jealous of her body. We walked downstairs with towels around our waists. As we got downstairs,boys were already dressed into their swimming trunks and they were shirtless. I got used to them being shirtless,but Stacy didn’t. I elbowed Stacy in her stomach because she was literally drooling. ‘’Stop drooling,Stacy’’ I whispered a bit louder.  Michael’s and Calum’s head shot up and they stared at us. ‘’Daamn’’ they said at the same time making me laugh and Stacy blush. Ashton growled,slapping both of them at the back of their heads. ‘’Ow’’ Calum said. ‘’Stop staring at my sister’’ Ashton said slightly shaking his head. His brown locks shaking from how long his hair is. ‘’Ashton,you need to cut your hair a bit’’ I said laughing but serious. ‘’No!’’ Ashton protested.  ‘’Okay okay’’ I said.  I took a quick glance towards Luke and caught him staring at me. My breath  hitched a bit. ‘’Are we gonna play or not?’’ Stacy asked breaking  me from my daydreams. ‘’ Yes!Let’s goooo!’’ I said running away,dropping  my towel  on the floor.  Boys already filled the balloons with water. Stacy took four balloons,while I took three in my small hands. We heard Ashton and Calum screaming our names but we started to run faster. Stacy ‘psst’ed and pointed behind a bush. We hid there and waited for them to come. It wasn’t a while when we heard whispering. ‘’Where could they hide?’’ someone asked. I couldn’t recognize that voice because it was low. ‘’I don’t know’’
I poked Stacy on her shoulder and started to count with my fingers. ‘’….3……2….1…..Go!’’ I whispered. I started to throw balloons. I didn’t saw their faces because of all the water getting in my eyes but I think it was Michael,because of his bright red hair and Luke because he is like a damn giant. My balloon landed on Michael’s red hair. ‘’NO! My hair! My precious hair!’’ He started to fake crying and pouted. ‘’I’m sowwie Mik-‘’ I couldn’t finish my sentence because a balloon landed on me. ‘’Fuck’’ I whined. ‘’Now I’m all wet.’’ I whined again. ‘’that’s what she said!’’ Luke yelled and laughed.
I felt bunch of water balloons landing at me. Screaming I started to run with my eyes closed, I couldn’t see where am I running. I opened eyes and saw that I was running into the tree,I screamed and ran to the left,tripping over a branch and falling into the bushes. ‘’Are you okay Lynn?’’ Ashton asked containing his laughter while the others were dying. ‘’I’m just perfectly fine!’’ I yell.


I was dead tired. Stacy was asleep on my shoulder while the others were playing Dragon Ball Z,eating pizza and screaming at each others. ‘’DIEE!’’ Michael  yelled as he battled against Ashton. ‘’You know,Michael,you really suck at Dragon Ball Z’’ Luke said making Calum laugh. ‘’Shut up,Luke’’ Michael said. ‘’Shut up,four of you. Stacy is asleep. I’m trying to sleep too!’’I yawned. ‘’Okay,sorry sis’’ Ashton said,his eyes still glued to the screen.  ‘’Anyways,good night guys.’’ I said closing my eyes. ‘’Good night,Lynn’’ was last thing I heard before I drifted to my precious sleep.


im emotional today so dont touch me.
i hope you like this chapter

its just another filler bla bla bla
Mateaa x

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