Chapter 1 - Diagnosis

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27 January 2011:

The night I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes wasn't one of my favourite memories. It's probably one of my top five things I'd never forget.

I was nine, beginning of third grade, and it was the night before athletics. I was so excited for the next day, competing against friends, having no school work or homework and just planning on having a fun day, but non of that even happend.

I went to the bathroom before bed and the next thing I know is my undergarments and pj pants are full of blood, and of course being nine I began crying and calling my mom. My mom and dad were so terrified, my dad though someone had hurt me but I told him no one did. My mom however called the doctor and was told to bring me in and then I was rushed to the emergency ward. I was then checked and test were taken and some time later the doctor comes and informs my parents that I have been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, with my sugar levels over forty and me that suppose to be in a coma was standing upright and wondering what all that just meant.

That night I was kept in I.C.U. and the had to monitor me and the next day I was booked into the children's ward of the hospital so they can monitor me further.


Q: One thing I like to take from that terrible night and turn it into something positive?

A: The fact that I was standing and not in a coma, makes me think that a small person like me is much stonger and much more of a fighter than I give myself to be. And that what all my family and friends tell me as well, I NEVER STOP FIGHTING.

You are never alone no matter how difficult the situation or how much the pain or how much you are suffering, You should never ever stop fighting. Why? Because on the other side of the dark tunnel your passing through, there light at the end you just have to keep walking till you get there.

Much love,

Karla ❤

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