Chapter 6 - Hypoglycemia

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My P.O.V.

My first every experience with having an hypoglycemic episode was when I was 16 and it was on the 8th of December 2018 at my boyfriend's friend's birthday barbeque.

Before I begin let me explain what hypoglycemia is.

Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar that occurs when you inject to much insulin or because of other reasons. An hypoglycemic episode is when your blood sugar goes too low and you body decides to shut down. During this episode you are unconscious and have to be injected with pure glucose to prevent death or go into a coma and maybe never wake up from.

In my case, the reason I had an episode is because I was nervous and injected too much for my blood sugar that was 5.3 that night (I think it was 5.3, I can't really remember). I was fine when I ate but the reason it happened so quickly was because I only ate meat, which is only protein and not carbohydrates (carbs). This resulting in the insulin making my blood sugar drop to 1.9 and causing me to have an episode. Now, before I had it all I remember is feeling little shaky so I grabbed a Super C (energy sweet) and put it in my mouth and I was busy chewing when my body started to jurk (shake badly like an attack I guess) and the next thing I hear is my boyfriend asking me what's wrong.

Then I don't know how long after I woke up with paramedics around me putting a drip on my arm and a glass of Coke next to me as well as one of the paramedics giving me a packet (like a ketchup size packet almost) of pure glucose to eat or more like drink because it was like jelly. Let me tell you the glucose tasted so awful. So I had some of the glucose and Coke and I was looking around and saw my parents and thinking what happened because they were at my uncle's house that night. The paramedics took me by ambulance to the hospital because they couldn't get my blood sugar up it kept dropping to low didgets. In the ambulance the one paramedic told me to stick my tongue out and then I realized that I had bitten my tongue. It was badly bitten on the sides and I had to bare with the pain whenever I ate, so I didn't really chew that much I just took really small helpings and just swallowed for almost a month well my tongue healed (haha).

The reason my tongue was bitten like this is because when I had the episode my jaw locked and that's how it happend.

And that was experience number one.


The second episode wasn't even 2 months after my first. This one took place when I was 17 (I turned 17 in January) and this happened on the 5th of February 2019.

I was getting ready for school that morning and I took my blood pressure and it was below 6. I then injected because my doctor told me even if my blood sugar is low you must inject if you're going to eat something with a high amount of sugar or carbs and that morning I was eating Otees. (My favourite cereal btw). The next thing I know I'm in the car and I was waking up so I thought I had fallen asleep on my way to school by the I saw my mum next to me in the back seat and the when I looked around I saw the hospital sign. My dad then came to my side of the car and help me walk because I was really dizzy.

Now this time wasn't as bad as the first time but just like the first I couldn't remember what happened. In fact the scary part is, my dad told me I came to sit at the table, took 2 or 3 bite of my cereal before I went in to shock and tumbled backwards in my chair and what's scary about that is I can't even remember going from my room to the kitchen and it's about a 2 minute walk to grab my bag and walk to the kitchen. This meaning I was already busy going low on the way to the kitchen.

Also I almost bit my dad's finger off at the knuckle that's how strong the lock jaw is, he was trying to get the cereal out of my mouth to avoid choking. My mom and granny said they thought I was going to die because of all the blood and how limp I was and my dad hovering over me trying to get me to regain consciousness.

As you can see this is a very serious. I don't want to know how my family and boyfriend felt at these times. Both times took alot out of me my body was so tired and the second time I had a really bad headache because my brain swelled up a bit and I also felt nauseous. In all honesty, I am very traumatised by these 2 episodes and I am truly afraid of it happening again but at least I have people who care for me and will know how to help me.


Till next time...

Much love,

Karla xoxo

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