Chapter 7 - Things about my life with type one.

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There are many things I fear about living with type one, I also have insecurities about what my diabetes has done to. My body and I also want things which would make my life easier with type one.

In this chapter I'll talk about my top 20 fears and the things I want.

My fears about living with T1D:

1. Hypoglycemia (hypo) , having another attack like this terrifies me.

2. Dying in my sleep because of an hypo and nobody would know.

3. Going into a coma because of an hypo or hyperglycemia (hyper).

4. Becoming insulin resistant, meaning my insulin won't work anymore.

5. Not being able to get my diabetes supplies when I get my own medical aid one day when I move out of my parents home and start my own life.

6. Not being able to one day have kids because my diabetes is giving me problems.

7. Losing any of my limbs because of diabetes.

8. Not being able to get my blood sugar levels fully under control.

9. That one day my kids might get type one and I don't want that for them.

10. Going blind because of diabetes, I already wear glasses so I'm hella scared of this.

11. Going into a hypo attack and no one is around to help me.

12. Going low and not feeling it until its too late and I pass out.

13. Losing all feeling in my limbs when I go low.

14. Scared that I will have miscarriages one day when it comes to having kids.

15. Getting a very serious case of DKA and not recovering from it (if thats even possible)

16. Having to spend most of my life in hospital one day because of problems that my diabetes have maybe caused.

17. For all the people I love and care about to lose me because I accidentally overdose on insulin causing a hypo.

18. Never being able to live freely with my diabetes because it causes some problems for me in the future maybe.

19. Being sick all the time because I can't control my blood sugar levels properly even though I try my best.

20. Having to eat a strict diet or meal plan for the rest of my life because my blood sugars aren't where they need to be one day.

Things I would like to have to make my life easier:

I would like to get a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), which would help me get better control over my blood sugar levels and I would also like to get a insulin pump, especially an Omnipod, which is basically a wireless or tubeless insulin pump. That way no tubes will get in the way when I walk, work, etc.

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Thanks for all the support!

Next chapter will be on my insecurities about living with T1D.


Karla ❤️

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