Chapter 5 - Diabetic jokes

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I have to give all my fellow T1D's support with this because jokes, about this chronical illness we have, are simply not cool or even funny.

Also I have a personal experience with this and here's this story...

So I was in 9th grade and in my Natural Sciences class. The teacher we had was really strict, like when we use to talk we would have to stand until the next person talks and if it was before break/lunch period and you were still standing, you have to stay in and couldn't even eat.

One day he made a diabetic joke and it really hurt. The joke was about a boy who ate to much candy bars and he had about 30 and ate 20 and then they ask what does he have and the answer is diabetes. Now let's get one thing straight you don't get T1D by eating to much sugar! Parents that tell their kids this make their kids feel that it's their own fault they have diabetes and that's not true. T1D is when the pancreas makes to little or no insulin at all, that's why we have to have a lifetime of insulin being injected or pumped into your blood.

In my opinion I don't like diabetic jokes at all because I find them offensive.

So please no diabetic jokes because how would you feel if you had an illness and people made jokes about it.


Thanks so much for all the support. ♡ xx

Much love,

Karla ❤

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