Chapter one: Tounge

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[no ones pov]
Aaron woke up, his head pounding like someone hitting his brain with a baseball bat. He felt arms around him, they were warm, and soft. He then looked up and remembered what 'happened' the night before. He felt fuzzy inside, like a knot and butterfly's fluttering around. He saw Saul next to him, holding him gently and peacefully. Aaron gave a toothy smile. He thought hard about the scenarios that might happen if his boyfriend woke up at that moment. Saul then woke up as well. Rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes, and then smiled at Aaron and left a small kiss on his forehead. Aaron smiled in softness. Luckily it was a Saturday, that meant to have more 'fun' and cuddle more. Although Aaron was a little asexual, Saul was fine with it. Aaron tried to get out of the bottom bunk, but instead hit his head and almost killing Saul and himself. Still shirtless and in boxers, put on his boyfriends black sweater and went outside of the room to find, or make food. While Aaron was out of the room, Saul decided to put a shirt on and walk to the kitchen where his boyfriend was, searching for chips and soda. Aaron then realized his bitch of a mother forgot to buy Lays classic and hot cheetos. Aaron looked pissed at the thought of him begging for those two articles of foods, and his mother not getting them. "Find anything yet?" Saul said smirking while leaning on the door frame. "My bitch of a mother didn't get my chips!" Aaron squeaked, pissed off and upset. Saul then opened the 'not-so-secret junk food cabinet' that him, and Aaron had in the kitchen. [Saul's guardians were Aaron's parents because of family problems.] Aaron grabbed his Lays chips and a small bottle of cola, and ran to their room, Saul of course chased after Aaron and sat with him on the top bunk. "Lemme just get Netflix on." Aaron said licking his lips, typing in his passcode on his xbox he got for Christmas a few years back. Aaron then turned on his favorite movie 'The Breakfast Club' The whole time they were watching the movie, they were just kissing and giving each other more love bites. Saul even decided to slip his tongue down Aaron's throat and almost choke him on accident.

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