Chapter six: Campers

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[Few months later]
Aaron groaned at the thought of going camping, but at least he has Kaleb, Saul, and a mystery person that Aaron, nor Saul thought about that would go. Kaleb arrived at Aaron's house at around 11 am, so they had some time to kill. Whenever Kaleb came over, Aaron would let Kaleb play with his hair, put hair ties in it, clips, ect. And so, Aaron let the show begin. Saul wanted to watch the show SexEducation for fun, while Kaleb was giving Aaron a 'Jenna's ratchet salon' makeover. Aaron's mom walked in the room, with a disappointed look. "Are you guys ready?" She asked. The word "Yes." flooded the room. "Kaleb, Aaron, Saul. I'm sorry to break it to you, but. You all have to share a tent. Good luck, get in the car." Aaron's mom walked out of the room. "What did she say?" Saul asked, "We all have to share a tent, now let's go." Aaron said rolling up his flannels sleeves. Kaleb rolled his eyes. The next thing they knew, they were in the car talking about sex. "Wait, so how do gay people do it?" Kaleb asked, being retarded like usual. "Are you kidding me? Your a gay male! You should know this!" Aaron spat in disbelief. Then they were at the campsite, where a car left it, with a person dropped off. They all got out of the car and saw someone they never thought would be going camping with them, Kaleb decided to invite Asher, Aaron's 'child'. Asher is so convinced that his 'father' is a guy in there old Science class, named Steven. "Asher?" Aaron said confused with a hint of a smile. "DADDY!" Asher screamed and ran to Aaron and granted him a tight hug. If you were there, and saw Saul's face it would've been the greatest sight. "Hey Ash." Aaron said as he ruffled Ashers hair. It was easy to pick on him, He clearly was 4'11 and a squeaker. At the campsite, it had a medium sized pond that looked pretty next to it. (a lot of romantic stuff will be happening there) After 3 hours of pure torture of fixing up the place, it was 5 PM already. Asher brought a small little tent, but he gave it to Aaron's little brother, Jo. And decided to share with Aaron, Saul, and Kaleb. Kaleb thought that Aaron, Saul and Asher would sleep together like the family they are, but instead Asher slept in the middle of the tent. [That night] "Wanna songs some songs?" Kaleb asked. "If it's 1D I'm getting into the car and leaving." Aaron said serious. Everyone laughed. "I am such a fool, to keep on chasing after nothing great." Asher sang softly, loosing rytham as he went. Aaron looked at Ash, knowing that he sang it for a reason. "You were my best friend, I thought I'd have you till the world ends." Aaron sang, looking at the fire as he put his rosie cheeks in his hands. "Screw it, let me put on The Night We Met and let's dance." Kaleb said, nearly tearing up. Aaron got his Walkman and put his favorite tape in. As the tape played, Kaleb and Aaron danced slowly around. Asher began to laugh as Kaleb became a total idiot. After they all got into the tent, they kept the random music on, that was labeled on the tape "Lvr & Evil, Side A".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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