Chapter two: The Night We Met

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*few days later [and Aaron's pov]*
What the fuck just happened? That thought kept approaching my mind, but really. I knew what happened. The vice-principal of my bullshiting school made an announcement, saying something about the Valentine's dance. Hell like I'm going. That shit sucked at the last dance. I had fun then it crumbled down into bits in a span of a few seconds. I couldn't dance with Saul that dance. But I went with Steven Gonzalez and Jacob Nikitine, and followed the sounds of betrayal the days after. Honestly, I wanted to go up to Saul, grab his hands and dance with him that dance in October. The dance was later that day. The cafeteria was covered in hearts and red and pink. Confetti littered the floor. A song that everyone was dancing to was playing. You could hear loud music, screaming and yelling. It wasn't the scene for me, to be honest. I grabbed Saul's hand then walked to the wall where most wallflowers were. We sat down and went on my phone. Put earbuds in and watched a Shane Dawson conperisy theroy video. We looked up and realized a slow song was next. We got up and took the earbuds out, same with my phone and walked to the floor. They then turned the mic over to the Vice-principal. Then he spoke. "Heatherwood students, I'd like to make a slow song for the couples in this room. Here is Lord Hurons The Night We Met." Then the song started playing. I looked at Saul, and he did the same. He grabbed my hand and spong me around, looking happy. And at that moment, I knew he was truly, the one.

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