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Of course, as Jimin went inside the classroom, his teacher wasn't present. Instead, Yoongi sat at his desk.

Jimin saw the mean look on his face again as he spun his chair around and played on his phone but then remembered the shy smile he gave him before in Production.

He ran his hand through his pink hair as he sighed and mustered up the courage to walk toward him. "Hi," the boy looked up, an expression of murderous rage looking from his phone to Jimin. "You're Yoongi right?"

The blond then smiled brightly, showing up his cute gums as he shut off his phone. "Yeah, you are Jimin."

"Oh, how do you know my name?"

Yoongi shrugged as he put his phone inside his black jacket. His outfit was pretty similar to yesterday's, black jeans, and a black jacket but instead of a white t-shirt, it was red. "People tell me stuff." Jimin couldn't help but noticed the red and black around his eyes that looked too good to be natural.

"Hmm..." Jimin hugged onto his notebook and cocked his head to the side. "I thought you were a night student."

"Yeah I am," He then sighed as he started going through the drawers of the desk, alarming Jimin. "But the only way I can finish up my teaching course is through the day so I just pop in on random classes."

"I see," Jimin watched as Yoongi's eyes lit up, and grabbed an apple out of one of the drawers. But before he could ask what he was doing, he took a bite out of it. "Um—"

"Hello, Mister Park."

Jimin, slightly startled, turned to face his teacher, who looked down straight at him. "H-Hello Mister Kim."

Namjoon couldn't help but smile as he pointed at the rows in front of them. "You taking Anthropology too or was it you that left here that tequila bottle?"

Jimin's eyes widened as he shook his head. "No, no! I didn't leave that here. I-I'm here for Anthropology as well."

Namjoon laughed and placed his hand on Jimin's shoulder as support which made the boy tense up. "Good! I drank it all last night." He let go of Jimin and scowled as he looked down at his desk. "Really, Yoongi?"

Yoongi gave a gummy smile at the man towering over his desk. "I was hungry."

Jimin bowed and pointed at the rows. "I'll be... going now."

Namjoon watched as the boy sat down on the same seat as yesterday, which luckily hadn't been taken.

"I thought you were joking," Yoongi got up from the desk and smirked as he threw the apple's core into the trash can. "But you even remembered his full name."

Namjoon gave him a slight smirk before putting down all his things on his desk and clapping his hands.

"Now then! I am not late! That's a first

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"Now then! I am not late! That's a first." He chuckled as he sat on the edge of his desk. "Hello and welcome to Anthropology 1, I am your teacher, Kim Namjoon, the smarter Mister Kim."

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