Chapter One - Back For Good

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Leaving Riverdale was a decision you would come to regret, one that would change your life but now? Now you're back. The moment you stepped out of the truck, who you got a ride off of as the driver was passing through, you took a deep breath taking in the familiar surroundings of your old home. Nothing had changed. Trash littered the streets and you would place all of your money, as little as it is, on the infamous rivalry between the Ghoulies and the Serpents still raging on.

You handed the driver a few notes for his troubles and watched as he drove off leaving you standing in the middle of the street. Looking at your phone you noticed that your brother would still be in school. You grabbed your bag, the only thing you took with you, and started heading to the direction of South Side High to surprise your brother and his friends. Your friends. When you got there you noticed it was quiet, too quiet. There were no motorbikes littering the parking lot, no students lingering around outside when they were supposed to be in class, nothing. You walked up to the doors and peeked through the window seeing that it was just as abandoned as outside. "You're not suppose to be here." Someone spoke up causing you to jump from the sudden new voice.

"S-sorry, I was just looking for my brother. What happened?" You asked, gesturing to the empty school. You then turned around so you were facing the mysterious stranger. He looked familiar to you but you couldn't quite remember where from.

"They shut the school down." He told you. You nodded not particularly surprised by the revelation. Last you remembered South Side High was breaking a number of health codes, you just didn't understand where they put all of the students that went there. "A lot of the students were transferred to Riverdale High so you should probably check that out for your brother."

You thanked the guy and gave one last look over the school before heading to Riverdale High. You chuckled to yourself at the thought of your brother and his friends at Riverdale High amongst people they hated. They must hate it there. The walk from the South Side wasn't that long and you got to the school just before the bell rang for home time. Once you walked through the gates you immediately recognised Toni's bike. So they were here, you thought smiling to yourself that you've found them. You went over to her bike and sat on it as you waited for everyone to leave class. You didn't have to wait long as you heard someone shout your name. "Y/N!?" You turned and saw Toni standing at the bottom of the steps, a look of joy on her face because her best friend was here. "It's actually you!" She squealed before running over to you and crushing you in a hug.

"It's so good to see you Tee. I've missed you. I've missed this." You said returning the hug, content with being back home. Your short reunion soon ended when two familiar Serpents came walking down the steps. When Sweet Pea saw you he stopped in his tracks. His face fell. You weren't graced with his usual smile, one that you missed, but instead I small frown. "Sweet Pea." You breathed, testing the waters to see if he was glad you were back.

"I'll see you in a bit." He said to Fangs before brushing pass you to his bike without acknowledging you once. That answered your suspicions. He hated you.

"Don't take it personally. He's just distracted with school work." Toni lied trying to make you feel better, which didn't work. You nodded anyway even though you knew he had an issue with being back. In hind sight you were stupid to think that you could just come back to Riverdale and pick up where you left off with everyone but the truth is people change, they move on. Sweet Pea had moved on and you being here brought stuff back up for the both of you.

"Hey, how long you staying? Does mom know you're back?" Fangs asked trying to change the subject.

"Not yet and I'm back for good now." You smiled at him grateful for the subject change. When you told Fangs and Toni about moving back huge smiles appeared on their face.

"Then let's get you back home." Your brother said as he wrapped his arm around you and lead you to his car.

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