Chapter Six - Go Out With a Bang

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Silence bestowed upon the group as you began to tell them everything. From the moment you left to now. You told them the reason why you left and how you got involved with Ryan and his gang to protect your dad. You even told them some of the stuff you had to do for them. Once you told them everything you couldn't look anyone in the eye. You were ashamed of what you did and didn't need to see your friends disappointed in you. Especially Sweet Pea. "Ma- maybe I should just go back with him. End all of this." You suggested as you looked down to the floor.

"Absolutely not." Fangs spoke up with Toni and Sweet Pea also objecting to that idea with other variations of no. They had just gotten you back. They didn't want to lose you again.

Sweet Pea placed his hand on your arm causing you to look up at him. When you did, you didn't see disappointment or disgust in his eyes. You saw concern. He was concerned about you, everyone was. "You're not going anywhere, Y/N. We'll figure this out. Together. Like we always do." Sweet Pea said and Toni and Fangs nodded in agreement. You let out a meek okay before going back to class with everyone after they said they would talk more about it later.

Going through the rest of the day was difficult. You had to pretend that everything was okay which was hard with students whispering about the fight this morning and wherever you went you would see Ryan. He wore a smirk on his, now bruised, face and was often talking to fellow students. They all thought he was some innocent new guy but if only they knew the real him they wouldn't be laughing at his dumb jokes, they'd distance themselves from him and want nothing to do with him. It took everything in you to not punch that stupid smirk off of Ryan's face but somehow you managed it.

After class ended, you and Toni met up with Fangs and Sweet Pea and began walking home. Toni and Fangs left you and Sweet Pea to trail behind knowing that the two of you needed to talk in private. A few minutes of silence passed before you spoke up. "I'm sorry." You apologised. Sweet Pea's head shot up to your direction. Almost as if he wasn't expecting that.

"For what? For leaving us? For not telling us you were in trouble? For dating that douche when you were gone?" Sweet Pea listed off the possible reasons for you to be sorry with a hint of teasing in his voice.

"All of the above." You let out a small laugh, shaking your head slightly.

"Look, I get why you didn't tell us you were in trouble. You wanted to protect us. I don't agree with it but I get it." He told you. "And as for your doofus of an ex, I don't agree with him being who you dated but I can't be mad that you did date someone because I was hooking up with girls while you were gone." Sure, when he said that he hooked up with some people while you were gone it hurt but at least the two of you were having the long overdue conversation. You were about to say something when Sweet Pea's phone went off. You droned out the conversation he was having assuming it was Serpent business. When he finished, Sweet Pea stopped and turned to you, giving you an apologetic look. He didn't want to go. He'd rather stay here and talk to you. "I'm sorry, I have to go. Serpent business."

You nodded understanding what his duties entail but that didn't mean you liked it, not in this moment anyway. You wanted to carry on talking to him, to hopefully get back to how it use to be. "It's okay. Call me later?" You asked.

"Yeah, definitely." Sweet Pea smiled before jogging to catch up with Fangs and Toni who walked to the direction of the Whyte Wyrm.

As you were walking home, you made a stop at your local convenience store to pick up some essentials. You were down one of the aisles picking up some crisps when the bell rang. You didn't take much notice to the new customer who had joined you and the owner in the shop until you recognised the voice. It was Ryan. He was on the phone to someone. "Is everything in place?- good, good. Those snakes won't know what's hit them. Tonight they're going to go boom and Riverdale will be ours for the taking. Tonight is only the beginning, my friend." You froze when he uttered the words 'snakes' and 'boom' in the same sentence. Ryan has planned something and that something isn't good. You knew you had to stop it.

You crouched behind the shelves, waiting for Ryan to leave the shop before you got up and left yourself. You sped walked to your house, which was only around the corner, and called Fangs as you did. "Where are you and Sweet Pea." You immediately asked without a hello, wanting to get straight to the point as you didn't know how much time you had.

"Hello to you too."


"Okay, jeez. I'm at the Wyrm with Toni and as for Sweet Pea he's out on a run. Why?" Fangs answered your question. You cursed when he said that. You had hoped Sweet Pea wasn't out. That meant whatever Ryan had planned will affect him. "Y/N. What's going on?"

"What's the address?" Was all you said. You were now at home. You got into your car and started driving when Fangs told you where Sweet Pea's location was.

"Okay, now tell me what's going on."

"Somethings going down tonight. I don't know what yet but trust me when I say this you need to get FP to call this job off. I'll explain everything later. Just, please do it." And then you hung up. Before Fangs had a chance to question you more. When you got there, you rushed out of the car and ran towards the building. "Sweet Pea!" You shouted, looking for any sign of him. "Sweets!" You shouted again. It seemed to work this time because Sweet Pea heard you and came outside.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Sweet Pea asked as he walked up to you.

"We need to go. Now." You instructed, trying to drag him to your car. However, before Sweet Pea could ask why the building he was in just seconds ago blew up. The force of the explosion, sending the two of you back to the floor.

Your ears rang but you could just make out someone calling your name. Sweet Pea. He crawled over to you to make sure you were okay. Everything he was saying was still muffled but you could just make out him saying you needed to get out of here. After the initial stun from the explosion, you shook your head and dragged yourself up off the floor, pulling Sweet Pea up with you. You made your way to your car and got in, driving to Sweet Pea's trailer.

When you made your way inside you no longer felt ringing in your ears but you were still in shock and Sweet Pea saw that. He made his way over to you and engulfed you in a hug. "It's okay. I'm okay." He mumbled trying to calm you down.

"You- you almost died tonight." You said, staring at nothing in particular getting brought from that by Sweet Pea placing his hand on your cheek and guiding you to look up at him.

"I'm okay, Y/N." He assured you which seemed to have worked in calming you down. You were still on edge though but better than you were before. When you looked up you truly saw the injuries he had sustained.

"We need to get this cleaned up." You told him as cupped his cheek with your hand and ran your thumb over one of the cuts on his face. You made a move to get the first aid kit but Sweet Pea stopped you.

"Not before I clean you up. It's only fair." He said referring to the time you had to clean him up after he and Fangs got attacked. You gave him a small nod.

Sweet Pea picked you up and sat you on the kitchen working top. He grabbed the first aid kit from the cupboard and sat it on the side as he got out what he needed to clean the wound. Standing in between your legs, Sweet Pea was in close proximity. So much you could smell his cologne mixed with smoke from the explosion. When Sweet Pea looked up from what he was doing, you were only inches apart. His eyes flitted from your lips to your eyes and back. You leaned forward, a part of you expecting Sweet Pea to move away but he didn't. He too leaned forward, pressing his lips onto yours. The kiss itself started off soft, to make sure that this is what the other wanted so when no one pulled away it got more intense, more passionate. However, your moment was interrupted by Fangs and Toni barging through the door.

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