Chapter Seven - Interruptions on Various Scales

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"Thank god you're okay." Fangs said as he rushed over to you and engulfed you in a hug, not realising he interrupted something. Unlike Toni who was stood off to the side with a knowing smile. "Why didn't you call me? I thought something happened to you two." He wondered, worry laced his tone.

"I think they were preoccupied." Toni smirked hinting at what you and Sweet Pea were just doing before they got there. Both yours and Sweet Pea's eyes widened and heat rose to your cheeks in embarrassment at Toni's comment. Fangs didn't seem to pick up on anything as he just sent Toni a confused look. "Patching each other up." Toni clarified holding up the open first aid on the counter. Fangs's phone went off and he went into Sweet Pea's room to take it leaving you, Toni, and Sweet Pea.

"Don't." You warned knowing exactly what Toni was going to say regarding you and Sweet Pea.

"What? I'm not saying anything... yet." She held her hands up in defence saying the yet under her breath. "Anyway, how did you know about the explosion?"

You opened your mouth to say something but got interrupted by Fangs coming back into the room. "You can tell us at FP's. He wants to speak with us. All of us."

Fear flashed across your face but only for a second, enough for Sweet Pea to see though. "Just tell him everything. It'll be okay." He assured you and you gave him a grateful smile. You and Sweet Pea cleaned up, ditching your soot and blood covered clothes opting for clean ones before you go over to FP's trailer.

When you got there your nerves played up again but just having your friends here with you calmed you somewhat down. You knew you had to tell them everything someday but that didn't mean you weren't nervous. FP opened the door and let the four of you inside. You and Sweet Pea opted to sit on the couch while Toni and Fangs remained standing with FP taking the armchair. "Tell me everything. How did you know that the job was a set up?" He asked, his tone soft to relay he wasn't mad. Not yet anyway, you thought. You glanced at Sweet Pea who sent you a reassuring smile.

"I was in the convenience store when I overheard Ryan talking on the phone. Saying that he was going to take Riverdale for himself and that he was going to destroy the Serpents." You divulged. Your eyes trained at your clasped hands not wanting to look at anyone's reaction to what you were saying.

"Who's Ryan?" FP questioned.

"My sort of ex. From Midvale."

"Midvale? What's he doing here in Riverdale?"

"Well, at first I thought it was just to get me to go back but now? Now I'm certain he wants to bring his operation here. And he'll do anything to get what he wants." When you said this FP ran his hand over his face. He didn't know what he was expecting but it definitely wasn't this.

"What are we going to do?" Sweet Pea asked causing FP to look his way.

"You four aren't doing anything. Especially you, Y/N. Don't think I don't know what you did at school." He said making you sink further into the seat. "We'll figure this out but you four aren't going to do anything. You're going to go to school as if you know nothing. We can't let Ryan know we're on to his plan." He instructed. "Okay?" You all nodded letting out a grumble of agreements.

And that's what you did. The next day you all went to school as if the night before you and Sweet Pea almost died. When you walked into school you were immediately met with Ryan standing by his locker. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Sweet Pea's jaw clench and his hands curled into fists. You slid your hand into his and gave it a squeeze to calm him down. "You heard what FP said." You reminded him.

"I know. Doesn't mean I like it." He grumbled as you both walked past him.

"You don't think I don't want to pummel his face in? We just gotta let FP handle this." Sweet Pea reluctantly nodded. "See you at lunch?" You asked as the bell went signalling class was about to start.

"Yeah, see you at you lunch." He answered. Neither of you knew what to do so you both settled on a hug. You hadn't spoken about the kiss last night and therefore didn't know what it meant.

Lunch rolled round and the four of you and Jughead were sat outside at one of the tables eating your lunch when sheriff Keller came swaggering over with some of his officers following his lead. "Sweet Pea. I'm gonna need you to come with us." Keller said in a authoritative tone. Sweet Pea's eyebrows furrowed in confusion but stood up anyway, towering over the officer who came over to lead him to the car.

"What's going on sheriff?" You asked also getting up from your seat.

"Y/N, it's okay." Sweet Pea tried to assure you afraid that if you got involved you'd also get taken down to the station.

"What's going on? Why are you taking him down to the station?" You asked again, your voice rising with frustration and anger.

"Listen to your boyfriend, Miss." The sheriff warned you.

"Y/N, it's okay." He said again. This time you listened and turned your attention from the sheriff to him. "Tell FP." Was all he could say before he was dragged away and put into the police car. Toni and Fangs were immediately by your side, comforting you. You were still trying to process what just happened. Why did Sweet Pea just get taken down to the station? The only logical explanation was that Ryan had something to do with which was confirmed by his smirk he was wearing when you looked over in his direction. You were no longer going to stand by and do nothing but rather take down Ryan yourself whether you had help or not.

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