Chapter Three - Just Some Guy

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The weekend was over and you were back at school. Since the party you haven't spoken much to anyone or seen Sweet Pea in person. You thought about staying at home but you knew your mom wouldn't let you without an explanation which you didn't particularly want to give. You trudged downstairs, wanting to get this day over with, and went into the kitchen where your mom was busying around. "There is food in the fridge. Please make sure your brother eats tonight." She instructed. You nodded grabbing your books and some food to put in your bag. "Oh, and before I forget someone came by and brought your car here." Your mom added, handing you the keys. Your eyes widened in shock as you reluctantly took them off her. "I'm off to bed, goodnight." Your mom said, pressing a kiss to your cheek before going upstairs to bed.

You went outside and sure enough a blue Chevrolet sat in your driveway. You slowly approached the car, glancing around for any sign of someone lurking in the street. The question running through your head, how did he find you? Sliding into the drivers seat you took everything in. It was how you left it. An old gym bag in the back seat; empty water bottles; old hoodies. You even checked the engine to see if it was still not working and it wasn't. You leaned against the headrest, looking up at the roof noticing a piece of paper sticking out of the sun visor. It was a note that read "Think you can runaway from me? You can't." What it said gave you chills. You thought by leaving it would end the mess you were in. Instead, you brought it to Riverdale. You were brought out of your thoughts by a knock on the window. You hastily shoved the note in your pocket and looked up to see who it was, visibly relaxing when you saw it was only Fangs.

"Come on, we've got school." He said holding up your backpack. You nodded getting out of the car and taking your bag off of him. The two of you fell in foot and started walking to school. "So, who's car is that?"

"Mine." You told him, smiling when you saw a huge grin appear on his face. "It needs to go in the garage for repairs so I'll call them up later."

"Me and Sweet Pea will take a look at it." Fangs suggested. Although it was less of a suggestion and more of a fact.

"Okay." You shrugged. Silence fell as you and Fangs walked through Riverdale, watching the scenery change from the South Side to the North Side. The trees seemed more alive, the houses more clean and perfect. Fangs kept glancing over at you the incident at the party playing on his mind. He wanted to know what happened but didn't want to push you if you weren't ready to.

"You know... you can tell me anything right?" Fangs spoke up breaking the silence. "Whenever you're ready I'm here."

"I know." You smiled gratefully at him.


As you walked down the corridor to your locker you looked up at the same time as Sweet Pea did. The brief eye contact that was made was the first contact either of you have had since the incident. Once he saw you, he turned around and headed in the opposite direction from which he came. You deflated at his action. It reminded you why you wanted to stay at home.

You were so focused on the whole situation with Sweet Pea you forgot that you had tried out for the River Vixens until Cheryl came over slapping your new uniform on your locker in front of you. "Practice after school. Don't be late." Was all she said before walking away. She was replaced by an excited Betty and Veronica.

"Come on, let's try it on." Veronica excitedly said, hooking her arm through yours and leading you to the girls locker room. As the duo helped you with putting on the uniform the more you didn't recognise the person that stood before you in the mirror. Maybe its for the best, you thought, the old you sucked. You left one of the most important people in your life who now doesn't want to speak to you. You made the horrible mistake of leaving Riverdale.


After school, you and Toni went to Pop's. She wanted to know what happened with you and Sweet Pea and wasn't going to leave until she found out. "Spill. What happened at the party with you and Sweet Pea?" Toni asked. You thought about lying to her but you desperately wanted to tell someone, to get some advice.

"He told me he hates me." You told her sadly. "I just- I don't know what to do, Tee."

"He doesn't hate you. He hates that you left. There's a difference." Toni assured you. "And anyway, Sweet Pea is just as distraught about the whole thing as you. He misses you. You coming back has put him in a spin with past feelings getting trudged up. Once he's figured it out the two of you will be on speaking terms." She added, placing a comforting hand on yours.

"I think you're forgetting that I'm impatient." You let out a small laugh.

"That you are." Toni joined in laughing but soon stopped when she saw your attention was pointed outside.

"Excuse me." You mumbled as you scrambled out of the booth and left Pop's. You walked over to a young man about your age, leaning against his truck and watching you. "What the hell are you doing here?" You whispered angrily, keeping your voice low.

"You got my note, right? You can't just runaway. Not when I'm not finished with you." He answered taking a step forward. Toni watched the exchange intently from inside before deciding to go and see if you were okay. Angry words were spoken between you and the man as Toni walked over to you.

"Is everything okay, Y/N?" She asked, her eyes trained on the man in case she needed to fight him.

"He was just leaving." You said, aiming it as an instruction to him, before turning to leave and head back inside. Toni's gaze lingered on him a little longer and then followed your lead.

"You look hot in that cheerleader outfit by the way." He called after you. You went ridged when he said that. That means he's been watching you then and is going to be in town for longer then a day.

Once you and Toni sat back down she looked over to you with concern in her eyes. "Who was that, Y/N?"

"Just some guy I used to know."

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